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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save Idorobots/11405377 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Idorobots/11405377 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Half-assed apriori attempt.
module apriori;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import std.conv;
bool contains(A, E)(A array, E element) {
foreach(E e; array) {
if(e == element) return true;
return false;
void main(string[] args) {
if(args.length < 2) {
writeln("USAGE: ", args[0], " supportThreshold");
auto supportProc = to!double(args[1]);
string[][] input;
ulong[string] itemSets;
ulong allRules;
string[][string] rules;
// Build 1-item sets
foreach(line; stdin.byLine()) {
auto words = line.idup.strip().split(",");
input ~= words;
foreach(word; words) {
double supportThreshold = supportProc * input.length;
// Build frequent 1-item sets
ulong[string] tmp;
foreach(key, support; itemSets) {
if(support > supportThreshold) tmp[key] = support;
itemSets = tmp;
// Build frequent 2-item sets
foreach(key1; itemSets.keys) {
foreach(key2; itemSets.keys) {
if(key1 != key2) {
ulong support;
foreach(line; input) {
if(contains(line, key1) && contains(line, key2)) support++;
if(support > supportThreshold) {
allRules += 2;
rules[key1] ~= key2;
rules[key2] ~= key1;
// Etc...
// Build index mapping.
ulong[string] indexMapping;
foreach(i, key; itemSets.keys) {
indexMapping[key] = i;
// JSON output as a graph.
writeln("{\"nodes\": [");
foreach(name, support; itemSets) {
writeln("\t\t\"id\": ", indexMapping[name], ",");
writeln("\t\t\"label\": \"", name, "\",");
writeln("\t\t\"support\": ", (cast(double) support) / input.length);
if(indexMapping[name] < indexMapping.length-1) write(",");
writeln("], \"edges\": [");
ulong i;
foreach(name; itemSets.keys) {
if(name !in rules) continue;
foreach(target; rules[name]) {
writeln("\t\t\"id\": ", i++, ",");
writeln("\t\t\"source\": ", indexMapping[name], ",");
writeln("\t\t\"target\": ", indexMapping[target]);
if(i < allRules) write(",");
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