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Created October 14, 2020 07:56
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Playing Flappy Astronaut Game on Raspberry Pi Sense HAT
# References:
from sense_hat import SenseHat
from random import randint
from time import sleep
sense = SenseHat()
RED = (255, 0, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
def flatten(matrix):
flattened = [pixel for row in matrix for pixel in row]
return flattened
def gen_pipes(matrix):
for row in matrix:
row[-1] = RED
gap = randint(1, 6)
matrix[gap][-1] = BLUE
matrix[gap - 1][-1] = BLUE
matrix[gap + 1][-1] = BLUE
return matrix
def move_pipes(matrix):
for row in matrix:
for i in range(7):
row[i] = row[i + 1]
row[-1] = BLUE
return matrix
def draw_astronaut(event):
global y
global x
global score
global gameOver
sense.set_pixel(x, y, BLUE)
if event.action == "pressed":
if event.direction == "up" and y > 0 and gameOver == False:
y -= 1
elif event.direction == "down" and y < 7 and gameOver == False:
y += 1
elif event.direction == "right" and x < 7 and gameOver == False:
x += 1
elif event.direction == "left" and x > 0 and gameOver == False:
x -= 1
elif event.direction == "middle" and score > 0:
score = 0
sense.set_pixel(x, y, YELLOW)
def check_collision(matrix):
global gameOver
if matrix[y][x] == RED:
gameOver = True
return True
return False
x = 0
y = 0
score = 0
gameDelay = 1
gameOver = False
sense.stick.direction_any = draw_astronaut
while True:
matrix = [[BLUE for column in range(8)] for row in range(8)]
gameDelay = 1
gameOver = False
while True:
matrix = gen_pipes(matrix)
if check_collision(matrix):
for i in range(3):
matrix = move_pipes(matrix)
sense.set_pixel(x, y, YELLOW)
if check_collision(matrix):
if i == 2:
score = score + 1
gameDelay = gameDelay - DELAY_DECREASE
if gameDelay < 0.2:
gameDelay = 0.2
while score:
sense.show_message("Score: {}".format(score-2), text_colour=YELLOW)
# Press joystick middle button to play again
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