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Created July 25, 2019 02:51
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Create a simple GUI for USB RFid Reader EM4100 using Raspberry Pi.
from gpiozero import LED, Buzzer
from guizero import App, Box, Text, TextBox, warn
import csv
led8 = LED(19)
def clearDisplay():
print("Clear display")
rfidStatus.value = "---"
rfidText.value = ""
rfidStatus.repeat(1000, checkRFidTag)
def checkRFidTag():
tagId = rfidText.value
if tagId != "":
RFidRegistered = False
with open("Database.csv") as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
for row in reader:
if row["RFid"] == tagId:
RFidRegistered = True
print("Welcome " + row["User"])
rfidStatus.value = "Welcome " + row["User"]
rfidStatus.after(5000, clearDisplay)
if RFidRegistered == False:
print("RFid tag is not registered")
rfidStatus.value = "RFid tag is not registered"
rfidStatus.after(3000, clearDisplay)
app = App(title="RFID EM4100 Simple GUI", width=350, height=150, layout="auto")
instructionText = Text(app, text="Click on the text button below\nand scan your RFid tag.")
rfidText = TextBox(app)
rfidStatus = Text(app, text="---")
rfidStatus.repeat(1000, checkRFidTag)
designBy = Text(app, text="Design by Idris - Cytron Technologies", align="bottom")
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@IdrisCytron Nice! Thanks for answering! 😁

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