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Created January 26, 2020 01:17
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Notes about articles I read, and talks I watched.
"1" : {
"title" : "The JavaScript Starter Kit Manifesto",
"description" : "Solve JS developers fatigue problems (due to the choice paradox created by the huge number of JS code out there) by using starter kits",
"type" : "talk",
"speaker" : "Cory House",
"source" : "",
"ideas" : [
{"So many decisions to make" : "4:52" },
{"Starter kit synonyms : Dev Env, Boilerplate, seed, starter project, scaffold, generator": "8:00"},
{"The checklist Manifesto (book)" : "12:30"},
{"What belongs in a starter kit" : "15:17"},
{"EditorConfig tool" : "19:24"},
{"Opinions of the speaker" : "19:00"}
"tags" : ["javascript", "methodology", "best_practices"]
"2" : {
"title" : "Oops! OOP Is Not What I Thought",
"description" : "A different point of view on OOP",
"type" : "talk",
"speaker" : "Anjana Vakil",
"source" : "",
"ideas" : [
"Book: Learn you some Erlang/Haskell for great good",
"Closure concept is very close to the class concept",
"OOP is about behaviour not data",
"OOP is all about late binding"
"tags" : ["OOP"]
"3" : {
"title" : "The single biggest reason why startups succeed",
"description" : "Why does startups, yet awesome, fails. And how do they succed",
"type" : "talk",
"speaker" : "Bill Gross",
"source" : "",
"ideas" : [
"The 5 aspects that matter are : timing, team/execution, idea, BM, Funding",
"Everybody has a plan until he gets punched in the face (by the client which represents reality)",
"Timing is the most important, then comes the team that is willing to adapt and react",
"Is it early: Do I have to educate the market, Is the infrastructure active? // Is it Late: So much competitors in the Market?"
"tags" : ["Startups"]
"4" : {
"title" : "Surviving the Framework Hype Cycle",
"description" : "What is the hype cycle, and how to survive it, Rails as a study case.",
"type" : "talk",
"speaker" : "Brandon Hayes",
"source" : "",
"ideas" : [
"1: Technology trigger - early adopters, ",
"2: Peak of inflated expectations - Smasria(100s of tutorials and article about the technology none of will help you)",
"3: Through of disillusiionment - Critics and trolls, The death claims, people running form the technology ",
"4: Slope of enlightenment - Articles become books, entousiasts become a real community the tech is getting into entreprise state",
"5: Plateau of productivity - tech is not cool anymore, no one talks about it, it's finally mature and productive",
"1: Pionners : the first commers, the early adopters - the first to adopt the tech and believe in it.",
"2: Settlers : The come to build the infrastructure, and help the excisting community",
"3: town planners: The big actors here, they take the technology to the large scale",
"It's all about reaching the plateau, when you reach it you can then fire your boss"
"tags" : ["frameworks"]
"5" : {
"title" : "Benmakhlouf TEDxUI",
"Description" : "talk about Success cycles of people and companies comapred to tracks (athletism)",
"type" : "talk",
"speaker" : "Samir Benmakhlouf",
"source" : "",
"ideas" : [
"1: Innovators -> Early Adopters -> early majority -> late majority -> laggers "
"6" : {
"title" : "700+ Web Developers Asked Me To Give Them LinkedIn Profile Feedback And These Are My 🖐️ 5 Top Tips.",
"description" : "Tips to improve linkedin account visibility",
"type" : "article",
"author" : "Andrew Brown",
"source" : "",
"ideas" : [
"1: Profile picture colored instead of black and white",
"2: Add a banner (",
"3: Heading is important"
"7" : {
"title" : "How Netflix Thinks of Devops",
"description" : "How Do Netflix approchs Devops",
"type" : "talk",
"speaker" : "",
"source" : "",
"ideas" : [
"1: Netflix Culture values Freedom and Responsability",
"2: Netflix does not have a single datacenter, they use Amazon Web services",
"3: I need to think of the big issues, and try to solve them. take the local market as a POC",
"4: Focus on what is important for your client, Cloud is a business solution to avoid what is not crutial for your client"
"8" : {
"title" : "10 tips to host your web apps for free",
"description" : "",
"type" : "article",
"author" : "Patrick Triest",
"source" : "",
"ideas" : [
"1: Hosting websites are not a good deal",
"2: Cloud services are cheap for hosting static web pages, storage instance",
"3: Some cloud services offer cheap compute instances to host Dynamic web sites",
"4: Heroku, and Firebase offer free hosting plan for dynamic websites",
"5: Serverless is one way, using functions as servers one can host a lightweight dynamic website",
"6: Docker + VPS",
"7: Cloudflare for DNS management and SSL"
"9" : {
"title" : "Bill Gates on investment and",
"description" : "",
"type" : "chat",
"speaker" : "Bill Gates",
"source" : "",
"ideas" : [
"1: Solving US education problems came to be way harder than solving world famine and global health",
"2: Moore Law limits are over by crowd computing and cloud + Quatum computing which is the future."
"10" : {
"title" : "7 Tips to Pimp Your Git History by Roland Weisleder",
"description" : "",
"type" : "talk",
"speaker" : "Roland Weisleder",
"source" : "",
"ideas" : [
"1: ."
"11" : {
"title" : "Predicting the future of the web (2020/2025)",
"description" : "",
"type" : "talk",
"speaker" : "Richard feldman",
"source" : "",
"ideas" : [
"1: Typescript is like entreprise JS, and it will take over the JS market",
"2: WASM is making browser competing against app stores and installers",
"3: WASM will extand web app pie, not kill JS",
"4: Should disable post-install scripts",
"5: Compile to JS is the next thing"
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