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Last active August 30, 2016 07:00
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  • Save IevaZarina/48655f1ac48769a75632fb58e6ed6d81 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save IevaZarina/48655f1ac48769a75632fb58e6ed6d81 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"'{\"animal_list\": [{\"type\": \"mammal\", \"description\": \"Tall, with brown spots, lives in Savanna\", \"name\": \"Giraffa camelopardalis\"},{\"type\": \"mammal\", \"description\": \"Big, grey, with big ears, smart\", \"name\": \"Loxodonta africana\"},{\"type\": \"reptile\", \"description\": \"Green, changes color, lives in \"East Africa\"\", \"name\": \"Trioceros jacksonii\"}]}'"
import json
newfile = open('animals_editted.json', 'w')
with open('animals.json', 'r') as jsonf:
for line in jsonf: # there will be only one line
newline = line.replace('},{', '},\n{')
newline = newline.strip('\"').strip('\'')
newline = newline.replace('\\\"', '\"')
# See if this gives errors
#with open('animals_editted.json', 'r') as nf:
# json_object = json.load(nf)
#print len(json_object['animal_list'])
newfile = open('animals_cleaned.json', 'w')
with open('animals_editted.json', 'r') as jsonf:
for line in jsonf:
start, end = line.split('\"description\": \"')
description_value, end = end.split('", "')
description_value = description_value.replace('"', '\\"')
description = '\"description\": \"' + description_value + '", "'
newline = start + description + end
newfile = open('animals_cleaned.json', 'w')
with open('animals_editted.json', 'r') as jsonf:
for line in jsonf:
start, end = line.split('\"description\": \"')
descr_val, end = end.split('", "')
descr_val = descr_val.replace('"', '\\"') # escape the quotes
descr = '\"description\": \"' + descr_val + '", "'
newline = start + descr + end
with open('animals_cleaned.json', 'r') as nf:
json_object = json.load(nf)
print len(json_object['animal_list'])
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