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Created September 6, 2020 11:38
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import falcon
import json
import logging
import os
import pickle
from trie import Trie
# from
class Collector(object):
def collect_phrase(self, phrase):
with open("phrases.txt", 'a') as f:
trie = Trie()
with open("phrases.txt", 'r') as f:
for line in f:
trie_local_file_name = "trie.dat"
pickle.dump(trie, open(trie_local_file_name, "wb"))
class SearchResource(object):
def __init__(self):
self._collector = Collector()
def on_post(self, req, resp):
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
class Backend:
def top_phrases_for_prefix(self, prefix):
trie = self._load_trie()
return trie.top_phrases_for_prefix(prefix)
def _load_trie(self):
trie_local_file_name = "trie.dat"
if os.path.exists(trie_local_file_name):
trie = pickle.load(open(trie_local_file_name, "rb"))
trie = Trie()
return trie
class TopPhrasesResource(object):
def __init__(self):
self._backend = Backend()
def on_get(self, req, resp):
top_phrases = self._backend.top_phrases_for_prefix(req.params['prefix'])
response_body = json.dumps({"status": "success",
"data": {
"top_phrases": top_phrases
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
resp.body = response_body
class Index(object):
def on_get(self, req, resp):
# do some sanity check on the filename
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
resp.content_type = 'text/html'
with open('gateway/index.html', 'r') as f:
resp.body =
app = falcon.API()
app.add_static_route('/static', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "gateway"))
app.add_route('/search', SearchResource())
app.add_route('/top-phrases', TopPhrasesResource())
app.add_route('/', Index())
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