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Last active June 21, 2020 20:04
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package policy.validating
operations := {"CREATE", "UPDATE"}
kind := {"Pod", "Deployment"}
# rule to deny digests for pods and deployments
deny[msg] {
image = get_images[_]
not contains(, "@sha256:")
msg := sprintf("%v contains tag; only images with checksum are allowed", [])
# rule deny if digest is not in notary
deny[msg] {
image = get_images[_]
contains(, "@sha256:")
# Example to mock digest comparison
# parts := split_image(
# not parts.digest == "@sha256:50"
get_checksum_status( != 200
msg := sprintf("No trust data found for the following image: %v ", [])
# helper rules
# get images if pod
get_images[x] {
input.request.kind.kind == "Pod"
name := input.request.object.spec.containers[i].image
x := {
"index": i,
"name": name,
## get images if deployment
get_images[x] {
input.request.kind.kind == "Deployment"
name := input.request.object.spec.template.spec.containers[i].image
x := {
"index": i,
"name": name,
# rule to split gun and tag
split_image(image) = x {
parts := split(image, "@sha256:")
x := {
"gun": parts[0],
"digest": parts[1],
# rule to get digest from notary-wrapper
get_checksum_status(image) = status {
wrapperRootCa := "/etc/certs/notary/root-ca.crt"
notaryWrapperURL = "https://notary-wrapper-svc.opa.svc:4445/verify"
parts := split_image(image)
body := {
"GUN": parts.gun,
"SHA": parts.digest,
"notaryServer": "notary-server-svc.notary.svc:4443",
headers_json := {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
output := http.send({"method": "post", "url": notaryWrapperURL, "headers": headers_json, "body": body, "tls_ca_cert_file": wrapperRootCa})
status := output.status_code
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