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IgnacioLuxP / BulkImportSpriteSheets.lua
Created November 15, 2021 14:14
Aseprite script to convert all open sprite sheets into sliced sprite sheets
--Bulk Import Sprite Sheets -- v0.1
1. Open your sprite sheets in Aseprite.
2. Close any files that you do not wish to slice/import as sprite sheets (this process will be applied to all open files!)
3. Open the script
4. Enter your desired settings, some are optional
5. Click Import
IgnacioLuxP / PickColorsNoIndex.lua
Created November 1, 2021 18:54
Copy Picked colors ignoring palette index (Aseprite)
-- Transfer foreground/background colors across indexed or non indexed sprites
-- WARNING: Disable Palette Edit mode before using!
--script settings
--set this to true to auto close the dialog after a color is set
local closeAfterAnySet = false
--set this to true if you want to show the background color elements in the dialog window
IgnacioLuxP / SampleDialogPop.lua
Created October 21, 2021 15:36
Sample Dialog Aseprite
local function showDlg()
local dlg = Dialog("Sample UI")
:label{ id="intro1", text = "This is some boring text to make the dialog larger" }
:label{ id="intro2", text = "(would be nice to have \\n support for multiline btw)" }
:separator{ text="Testing" }
:entry{ id="data1", label="Row1", text="Lorem ipsum" }
:entry{ id="data2", label="Row2", text="dolor sit amet" }
:separator{ }