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Forked from aschmelyun/index.html
Created February 9, 2024 01:49
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In AR.js display a video which transitions into an image on completion
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>AR Demo</title>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
// We're going to register a custom event listener through a-frame that will fire
// whenever a marker has entered the camera view and is found through ar.js
AFRAME.registerComponent('registerevents', {
init: function() {
var marker = this.el;
// Element emits events when found and lost
marker.setAttribute('emitevents', 'true');
marker.addEventListener('markerFound', function() {
// Alright, a marker has been found. Let's get the video element
var vid = document.getElementById('waterVideo');
// Make sure that the video a-frame object is visible
document.querySelector('#water').setAttribute('visible', true);
// Reset the video to the beginning and play it through
vid.currentTime = 0;;
// Once the video has completed, we're going to hide the a-video element
// which will display the a-image element with the watch behind it
vid.addEventListener('ended', function(e) {
document.querySelector('#water').setAttribute('visible', false);
<body style="margin:0; overflow:hidden;">
<a-scene embedded arjs="" artoolkit="">
<a-assets timeout="10000">
<img id="watchImage" src="/img/watch.jpg">
<video id="waterVideo" loop="false" autoplay="false" src="/img/videos/water.mp4" preload="auto"></video>
<a-marker preset="hiro" registerevents>
<a-image id="watch" src="#watchImage" height="2" width="1" position="0 1 0"></a-image>
<a-video id="water" src="#waterVideo" height="2" width="1" position="0 1 0" autoplay="false"></a-video>
<a-entity camera></a-entity>
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