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  • Save IgorDePaula/787a98506885145d888a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save IgorDePaula/787a98506885145d888a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* This code requires both RabbitMQ and delayed message plugin is installed.
* The plugin can be found here
* Refeence:
'use strict';
var amqp = require('amqplib'),
connection = amqp.connect('amqp://localhost'),
queue = 'my-messages',
exchange = 'my-exchange';
connection.then(function (conn) {
return conn.createChannel()
.then(function (ch) {
// Creates a queue
ch.assertQueue(queue).then(function () {
// Creates an exchange
ch.assertExchange(exchange, 'x-delayed-message', { arguments: { 'x-delayed-type': 'direct' } }).then(function () {
// Creates a bind between queue and exchange
ch.bindQueue(queue, exchange).then(function () {
// Send messages with delay
ch.publish(exchange, '', new Buffer('3. my delayed message'), { persistent: true, headers: { 'x-delay': 10000 } });
ch.publish(exchange, '', new Buffer('1. my delayed message'), { persistent: true, headers: { 'x-delay': 3000 } });
ch.publish(exchange, '', new Buffer('4. my delayed message'), { persistent: true, headers: { 'x-delay': 12000 } });
ch.publish(exchange, '', new Buffer('2. my delayed message'), { persistent: true, headers: { 'x-delay': 5000 } });
console.log('messages sent!');
connection.then(function (conn) {
return conn.createChannel()
.then(function (ch) {
ch.consume(queue, function (msg) {
if (msg !== null) {
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