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Last active February 8, 2023 15:19
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LFTP mirror options
-c, --continue continue a mirror job if possible
-e, --delete delete files not present at the source
--delete-excluded delete files excluded at the target
--delete-first delete old files before transferring new ones
--depth-first descend into subdirectories before transferring
--scan-all-first scan all directories recursively before transfer‐
ring files
-s, --allow-suid set suid/sgid bits according to the source
--allow-chown try to set owner and group on files
--ascii use ascii mode transfers (implies --ignore-size)
--ignore-time ignore time when deciding whether to download
--ignore-size ignore size when deciding whether to download
--only-missing download only missing files
--only-existing download only files already existing at target
-n, --only-newer download only newer files (-c won't work)
--upload-older upload even files older than the target ones
--transfer-all transfer all files, even seemingly the same at the
target site
--no-empty-dirs don't create empty directories (implies
-r, --no-recursion don't go to subdirectories
--recursion=MODE go to subdirectories on a condition
--no-symlinks don't create symbolic links
-p, --no-perms don't set file permissions
--no-umask don't apply umask to file modes
-R, --reverse reverse mirror (put files)
-L, --dereference download symbolic links as files
--overwrite overwrite plain files without removing them first
--no-overwrite remove and re-create plain files instead of over‐
-N, --newer-than=SPEC download only files newer than specified time
--older-than=SPEC download only files older than specified time
--size-range=RANGE download only files with size in specified range
-P, --parallel[=N] download N files in parallel
--use-pget[-n=N] use pget to transfer every single file
--on-change=CMD execute the command if anything has been changed
--loop repeat mirror until no changes found
-i RX, --include=RX include matching files
-x RX, --exclude=RX exclude matching files
-I GP, --include-glob=GP include matching files
-X GP, --exclude-glob=GP exclude matching files
--exclude-glob-from=FILE load include/exclude patterns from the file, one
per line
-f FILE, --file=FILE mirror a single file or globbed group (e.g.
-F DIR, --directory=DIR mirror a single directory or globbed group (e.g.
-O DIR, --target-directory=DIR target base path or URL
-v, --verbose[=level] verbose operation
--log=FILE write lftp commands being executed to FILE
--script=FILE write lftp commands to FILE, but don't execute
--just-print, --dry-run same as --script=-
--max-errors=N stop after this number of errors
--skip-noaccess don't try to transfer files with no read access.
--use-cache use cached directory listings
--Remove-source-files remove source files after transfer (use with cau‐
--Remove-source-dirs remove source files and directories after transfer
(use with caution). Top level directory is not
removed if it's name ends with a slash.
--Move same as --Remove-source-dirs
-a same as --allow-chown --allow-suid --no-umask
RX is an extended regular expression, just like in egrep(1).
GP is a glob pattern, e.g. `*.zip'.
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