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Created April 19, 2019 09:26
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Eval with CSP
window.metaEval = async (code) => {
const evalId = "META_EVAL_"+ + "_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000)
document.body.innerHTML += "<iframe id=\""+ evalId +"\" src=\"about:blank\"></iframe>"
const ifr = document.getElementById(evalId)
let makeResolve = null
const promise = new Promise((resolve) => (makeResolve = resolve))
let result = null
const listener = (msg) => { result =; makeResolve(); }
window.addEventListener("message", listener)
ifr.src = "data:text/html,<script>top.postMessage(eval(decodeURIComponent(\""
+ encodeURIComponent(code) +
"\")), \""+ location.origin +"\")</script>"
await promise
window.removeEventListener("message", listener)
return result
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