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SCSS color palette generator — use to generate a range of color utilities (text color, background, border-color).
// Example: Set your color variables
$color--gray: #888888;
$color--blue: #3366FF;
$color--teal: #43E7F9;
$color--green: #5BD642;
$color--orange: #ffae18;
$color--red: #FF4732;
// Example: Set a color shade step interval
$color--interval: 7.6%;
// Example: Map your colour names to the variables
$colors: () !default;
$colors: map-merge((
"gray": $color--gray,
"blue": $color--blue,
"teal": $color--teal,
"green": $color--green,
"orange": $color--orange,
"red": $color--red
), $colors);
// Example: Deploy as background (bg) color utility classes
@each $key, $value in $colors {
.bg--#{$key} {
&-100 {
background-color: lighten($value, $color--interval * 4);
&-200 {
background-color: lighten($value, $color--interval * 3);
&-300 {
background-color: lighten($value, $color--interval * 2);
&-400 {
background-color: lighten($value, $color--interval);
&-500 {
background-color: $value;
&-600 {
background-color: darken($value, $color--interval);
&-700 {
background-color: darken($value, $color--interval * 2);
&-800 {
background-color: darken($value, $color--interval * 3);
&-900 {
background-color: darken($value, $color--interval * 4);
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