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Last active March 14, 2021 14:34
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Save Ilesh/63f6ca0acde8923514529c9e0022d97f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
For save, load , and delete Keychain value from the iOS and Make apps. If you find helpful this class please share and give star so others can find it πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ !!!!
// IPKeyChain.swift
// Created by Ilesh's 2020 on 25/05/20.
// Copyright Β© 2020 Ilesh-Panchal All rights reserved.
//For save values
// IPKeyChain.saveValue(service:, account: IPKeyChain.apple_Id, data: "xyzId")
//For retrive or load
// IPKeyChain.loadPassword(service:, account: IPKeyChain.apple_Id)
//For remove or delete
// IPKeyChain.removeValue(service:, account: IPKeyChain.apple_Id)
//Thank you!
import UIKit
class IPKeyChain: NSObject {
static let services : String = "" // Just for make it more unique.
static let apple_Id : String = "APPLE_ID"
static let apple_account_name : String = "APPLE_NAME"
static let apple_account_email : String = "APPLE_EMAIL"
class func updateValue(service: String, account: String, data: String) {
guard let dataFromString = .utf8, allowLossyConversion: false) else {
let status = SecItemUpdate(modifierQuery(service: service, account: account), [kSecValueData: dataFromString] as CFDictionary)
class func removeValue(service: String, account: String) {
let status = SecItemDelete(modifierQuery(service: service, account: account))
class func saveValue(service: String, account: String, data: String) {
guard let dataFromString = .utf8, allowLossyConversion: false) else {
let keychainQuery: [CFString: Any] = [kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
kSecAttrService: service,
kSecAttrAccount: account,
kSecValueData: dataFromString]
let status = SecItemAdd(keychainQuery as CFDictionary, nil)
class func loadPassword(service: String, account: String) -> String? {
var dataTypeRef: CFTypeRef?
let status = SecItemCopyMatching(modifierQuery(service: service, account: account), &dataTypeRef)
if status == errSecSuccess,
let retrievedData = dataTypeRef as? Data {
return String(data: retrievedData, encoding: .utf8)
} else {
return nil
fileprivate static func modifierQuery(service: String, account: String) -> CFDictionary {
let keychainQuery: [CFString: Any] = [kSecClass: kSecClassGenericPassword,
kSecAttrService: service,
kSecAttrAccount: account,
kSecReturnData: kCFBooleanTrue]
return keychainQuery as CFDictionary
fileprivate static func checkError(_ status: OSStatus) {
if status != errSecSuccess {
if #available(iOS 11.3, *),
let err = SecCopyErrorMessageString(status, nil) {
print("Operation failed: \(err)")
} else {
print("Operation failed: \(status). Check the error message through")
extension Data {
init<T>(from value: T) {
var value = value
self.init(buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: &value, count: 1))
func to<T>(type: T.Type) -> T {
return self.withUnsafeBytes { $0.load(as: T.self) }
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