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Илья Кругликов Ilis

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C:\Progs\leela-chess>client.exe --parallelism=1
2018/08/13 11:29:20 lc0_main.go:537: serverParams: [--visits=800 --cpuct=2.4 --resign-percentage=4 --resign-playthrough=
Downloading network...
lc0 is never quiet.
Args: [C:\Progs\leela-chess/lc0 selfplay --parallelism=1 --visits=800 --cpuct=2.4 --resign-percentage=4 --resign-playthr
ough=10 --training=true --weights=networks\7d4287037f0110d5458e615e3f37e088166f2c1612343f044214e90becc4755d]
| _ | |
|_ |_ |_| v0.16.0 built Jul 20 2018
2018/08/08 09:57:53 lc0_main.go:468: trainDir=C:\Progs\leela-chess/data-lddogrigaxza
2018/08/08 09:57:53 lc0_main.go:144: Completed 26 games in 20h42m25.6987701s time
2018/08/08 10:22:27 lc0_main.go:450: Received message to end training, killing lc0
2018/08/08 10:22:28 lc0_main.go:477: Waiting for lc0 to stop
lc0 exited with: exit status 12018/08/08 10:22:29 lc0_main.go:482: lc0 stopped
2018/08/08 10:22:29 lc0_main.go:484: Waiting for uploads to complete
2018/08/08 10:22:29 lc0_main.go:435: Removing traindir: C:\Progs\leela-chess/data-lddogrigaxza
2018/08/08 10:22:30 lc0_main.go:537: serverParams: [--tempdecay-moves=20 --temperature=1 --cpuct=1.2 --fpu-reduction=0.0
2018/08/08 10:22:30 lc0_main.go:540: Starting match
// ==UserScript==
// @name Normal_font
// @namespace Ilis
// @description Set normal font
// @include*
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
console.log("Change fontSize from small to medium");