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Created May 11, 2019 18:40
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""" Draw pitch accent patterns in SVG
python3 はな 010 > 花.html
firefox 花.html
import sys
def circle(x, y, o=False):
r = ('<circle r="5" cx="{}" cy="{}" style="opacity:1;fill:#000;" />'
).format(x, y)
if o:
r += ('<circle r="3.25" cx="{}" cy="{}" style="opacity:1;fill:#fff;"'
'/>').format(x, y)
return r
def text(x, text):
# letter positioning tested with Noto Sans CJK JP
return ('<text x="{}" y="67.5" style="font-size:20px;font-family:sans-seri'
'f;fill:#000000;">{}</text>').format(x, text)
def path(x, y, typ):
if typ == 's': # straight
delta = '29,0'
elif typ == 'u': # up
delta = '29,-25'
elif typ == 'd': # down
delta = '29,25'
return ('<path d="m {},{} {}" style="fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width'
':1.5;" />').format(x, y, delta)
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print('usage: python3 <word> <patt>')
word = sys.argv[1]
patt = sys.argv[2]
if len(patt) - len(word) != 1:
print('pattern must be length of word + 1')
svg_width = (len(word) * 29) + 19
svg = ('<svg class="pitch" width="{0}px" height="80px" viewBox="0 0 {0} 80">'
circles = ''
paths = ''
for pos, accent in enumerate(patt):
x_center = 9.5 + (pos * 29)
if accent in ['h', '1', '2']:
y_center = 5
elif accent in ['l', '0']:
y_center = 30
if pos < len(word):
char = word[pos]
svg += text(x_center-11, char)
circles += circle(x_center, y_center, pos==len(word))
if pos > 0:
if prev_center[1] == y_center:
path_typ = 's'
elif prev_center[1] < y_center:
path_typ = 'd'
elif prev_center[1] > y_center:
path_typ = 'u'
paths += path(prev_center[0], prev_center[1], path_typ)
prev_center = (x_center, y_center)
svg += paths
svg += circles
svg += '</svg>'
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