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Last active September 21, 2022 00:25
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diff --git a/contracts/mocks/MockSmartWallet.sol b/contracts/mocks/MockSmartWallet.sol
index 78ce02b..7c0c6e9 100644
--- a/contracts/mocks/MockSmartWallet.sol
+++ b/contracts/mocks/MockSmartWallet.sol
@@ -42,3 +42,27 @@ contract MockSmartWallet {
+import "hardhat/console.sol";
+contract MockFlashloan {
+ event Attacked(uint votesHeldDuringAttack);
+ function attack(
+ IVotingEscrow ve,
+ IERC20 token,
+ address owner,
+ uint256 amount,
+ uint256 timestamp
+ ) external returns (uint256 votesHeld) {
+ token.transferFrom(owner, address(this), amount);
+ console.log("token balance:", token.balanceOf(address(this)));
+ token.approve(address(ve), amount);
+ ve.createLock(amount, timestamp);
+ console.log("lock created in block:", block.number, "@", block.timestamp);
+ votesHeld = ve.balanceOf(address(this));
+ console.log("votesHeld:", votesHeld);
+ emit Attacked(votesHeld);
+ ve.quitLock();
+ token.transfer(owner, token.balanceOf(address(this)));
+ }
diff --git a/test/votingEscrowTest.ts b/test/votingEscrowTest.ts
index 7d3163d..d869335 100644
--- a/test/votingEscrowTest.ts
+++ b/test/votingEscrowTest.ts
@@ -115,6 +115,86 @@ describe("VotingEscrow Tests", function () {
await restoreSnapshot(provider);
+ // to run:
+ // rm -Rf 2022-08-fiatdao || true && git clone && cd 2022-08-fiatdao && npm install && npm run build && wget && git apply veFDT_mit_flash.diff && npx hardhat test --config hardhat.config.test.ts test/votingEscrowTest.ts
+ describe("IllIllI Mitigation tests", async () => {
+ it("IllIllI - Quit in same block as creation, verify penalty", async () => {
+ const flashMockDeployer = await ethers.getContractFactory("MockFlashloan", admin);
+ let flashMock = await flashMockDeployer.deploy();
+ //let amountToLock = BigNumber.from("10");
+ let amountToLock = BigNumber.from("1000000000000000000000");
+ // approve the flash loan contract so it can take funds from caller
+ await fdtMock.connect(alice).approve(flashMock.address, amountToLock);
+ await provider.send("evm_setAutomine", [false]);
+ await provider.send("evm_setIntervalMining", [0]);
+ await provider.send("evm_mine", []);
+ let blockAnticipated = await getBlock() + 1;
+ let timeStartup = await getTimestamp();
+ let timeStart = (Math.trunc(timeStartup / WEEK) * WEEK) + WEEK + WEEK; // give us room to go backwards by adding another week
+ let timeActuallyLockedFrom = timeStart;
+ //timeStart += 284680;
+ timeStart = timeActuallyLockedFrom + 0;
+ //timeStart = timeActuallyLockedFrom + 1;
+ //timeStart = timeActuallyLockedFrom + 2;
+ //timeStart = timeActuallyLockedFrom - 1;
+ //timeStart = timeActuallyLockedFrom - 2;
+ //timeStart = timeActuallyLockedFrom - WEEK + 1;
+ //timeStart = timeActuallyLockedFrom + WEEK - 1;
+ await provider.send("evm_setNextBlockTimestamp", [ timeStart ]);
+ // alice creates a lock for some amount of time
+ let balanceStart = await fdtMock.balanceOf(alice.address);
+ let tx = await flashMock.connect(alice).attack(
+ ve.address, fdtMock.address, alice.address, amountToLock, timeStart + (2 * WEEK));
+ await provider.send("evm_mine", []);
+ let resp = await tx.wait();
+ if (!resp || ! return;
+ let amountHeld = BigNumber.from(0)
+ for (let event of {
+ if ('Attacked' !== event.event || !event.args) {
+ continue
+ }
+ amountHeld = BigNumber.from(event.args[0])
+ }
+ let blockLocked = resp.blockNumber
+ expect(resp.blockNumber).to.equal(blockAnticipated);
+ let timeCreated = (await ethers.provider.getBlock(resp.blockNumber)).timestamp;
+ let timeLockUsed = (Math.trunc(timeCreated / WEEK) * WEEK);
+ console.log("timeCreated:", timeCreated, "timeLockUsed", timeLockUsed);
+ let timeQuit = (await ethers.provider.getBlock(resp.blockNumber)).timestamp;
+ expect(timeQuit - timeCreated).to.equal(0);
+ let blockBeforeQuit = resp.blockNumber - 1;
+ let blockAtQuit = resp.blockNumber;
+ console.log("mined:",resp.blockNumber);
+ console.log("block locked:", blockLocked, "block quit:", resp.blockNumber);
+ let votes = await ve.balanceOfAt(flashMock.address, blockAtQuit)
+ let penalty = await fdtMock.balanceOf(ve.address)
+ console.log("votes at start:", (await ve.balanceOfAt(flashMock.address, blockLocked)).toString());
+ console.log("votes at block before quit:", (await ve.balanceOfAt(flashMock.address, blockBeforeQuit)).toString());
+ console.log("votes at block:", votes.toString(), "penalty:", penalty.toString());
+ console.log("votes at block - penalty:", votes.sub(penalty).toString());
+ console.log("balance alice change:", balanceStart.sub(await fdtMock.balanceOf(alice.address)).toString(), "vs initial locked", amountToLock.toString());
+ console.log("votes held by contract during attack:", amountHeld.toString());
+ console.log("votes held - penalty:", amountHeld.sub(penalty).toString());
+ expect(votes).to.below(penalty);
+ expect(amountHeld).to.below(penalty);
+ expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, blockAtQuit)).to.equal(0);
+ });
+ })
describe("Deployment", async () => {
it("Initialized properly", async () => {
expect(await ve.owner()).to.equal(admin.address);
@@ -856,5 +936,5 @@ describe("VotingEscrow Tests", function () {
await ve.connect(alice).quitLock();
expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(aliceBalBefore);
- });
+ });/**/
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