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Created May 12, 2019 10:04
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BSIDES London 2019 Pre-conference Capture the Flag (CTF) challenge


We've designed this CTF to be accessable to all levels of experiance and skill. There are 3 stages to the CTF. Each stage has a unique FLAG which is formattted as follows: FLAG{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}

.... - - .--. ---... -..-. -..-. ... - .- --. . .---- .-.-.- -... ... .. -.. . ... .-.-.- .-.. --- -. -.. --- -. .-.-.- ..--- ----- .---- ----. .-.-.- .--. .-- -. -.. . ..-. . -. -.. .-.-.- -.-. --- -- -..-.
  • Commented out link to Special Offers?

Visiting is a 404 though :thinking_face:

  • Base64 encoded phone number is actually a wierd message:



echo "Um9ndWUgQS5JLiBEZXRlY3RlZC4uLi4uLi4u" | base64 --decode
Rogue A.I. Detected........%
  • Commented out BladeRunner Quote
  • Encoded "email"

We also have what I assumed was a Cloudflare encoded email, look's like hash of some description

[email protected]

hash-identifier doesn't recognise it :thinking_face:

HASH: 0c65626a634c796278657860696822786068
Not Found.

:man-facepalming: It is a Cloudflare encoded email

<script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script>

Vault is here:

Enterance to the Vault Requires all 3 Flags e.g. xxxxx-xxxxx-xxx-xxxx

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