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Last active September 21, 2022 15:11
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Import IMDB datasets into PostgreSQL
# This script was intended to get raw IMDB datasets into Postgres
# The script worked on my mac setup.
# You may have to update your psql command with appropriate -U and -d flags and may have to
# provide appropriate permissions to new folders.
# Customise as you see fit and for your setup.
# Tables are NOT optomised, nor have any indexes been created
# The point is to "just get the data into Postgres"
# Remember to allow execution rights before trying to run it:
# chmod 755
# Just for interest's sake, below are the terminal commands for my Linux box:
# su - postgres
# curl -O
# chmod 755
# ./
# If you don't know the password for postgres (new install, some default VM setups, etc)
# sudo passwd postgres
# set a new password, then continue above
printf "Script starting at %s. \n" "$(date)"
printf "Removing old folders \n"
rm -rf imdb-datasets/
printf "Creating new folders \n"
mkdir imdb-datasets/
printf "Downloading datasets from \n"
cd imdb-datasets
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
printf "Unzipping datasets... \n"
gzip -dk *.gz
cd ..
printf "Creating Database \n"
psql -d 'postgres' -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS imdb;"
psql -d 'postgres' -c "CREATE DATABASE imdb;"
printf "Creating tables in imdb database \n"
psql -d imdb -c "CREATE table title_ratings (tconst VARCHAR(10),average_rating NUMERIC,num_votes integer);"
psql -d imdb -c "CREATE TABLE name_basics (nconst varchar(10), primaryName text, birthYear smallint, deathYear smallint, primaryProfession text, knownForTitles text );"
psql -d imdb -c "CREATE TABLE title_akas (titleId TEXT, ordering INTEGER, title TEXT, region TEXT, language TEXT, types TEXT, attributes TEXT, isOriginalTitle BOOLEAN);"
psql -d imdb -c "CREATE TABLE title_basics (tconst TEXT, titleType TEXT, primaryTitle TEXT, originalTitle TEXT, isAdult BOOLEAN, startYear SMALLINT, endYear SMALLINT, runtimeMinutes INTEGER, genres TEXT);"
psql -d imdb -c "CREATE TABLE title_crew (tconst TEXT, directors TEXT, writers TEXT);"
psql -d imdb -c "CREATE TABLE title_episode (const TEXT, parentTconst TEXT, seasonNumber TEXT, episodeNumber TEXT);"
psql -d imdb -c "CREATE TABLE title_principals (tconst TEXT, ordering INTEGER, nconst TEXT, category TEXT, job TEXT, characters TEXT);"
printf "Inserting data into tables \n"
psql -d imdb -c "COPY title_ratings FROM '$(pwd)/imdb-datasets/title.ratings.tsv' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' NULL '\N' CSV HEADER"
psql -d imdb -c "COPY name_basics FROM '$(pwd)/imdb-datasets/name.basics.tsv' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' NULL '\N' CSV HEADER"
psql -d imdb -c "COPY title_akas FROM '$(pwd)/imdb-datasets/title.akas.tsv' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' NULL '\N' CSV HEADER"
psql -d imdb -c "COPY title_basics FROM '$(pwd)/imdb-datasets/title.basics.tsv' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' NULL '\N' CSV HEADER"
psql -d imdb -c "COPY title_crew FROM '$(pwd)/imdb-datasets/title.crew.tsv' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' NULL '\N' CSV HEADER"
psql -d imdb -c "COPY title_episode FROM '$(pwd)/imdb-datasets/title.episode.tsv' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' NULL '\N' CSV HEADER"
psql -d imdb -c "COPY title_principals FROM '$(pwd)/imdb-datasets/title.principals.tsv' DELIMITER E'\t' QUOTE E'\b' NULL '\N' CSV HEADER"
printf "Done! \n"
printf "Script done at %s. \n" "$(date)"
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Thanks for this!

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