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Created June 16, 2023 18:12
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Python implementation of Gamow model for Polonium 212
from math import log, pi, sqrt, exp
Authors: CALHEGAS Raphaël, DIZIN Jordan, FROMENTIN Raphaël
# Constants
electron_mass = 9.1e-31
h = 6.626e-34
bar_h = h / (2 * pi)
e = 1.6e-19
k_0 = 8.9875517923e9
r_0 = 1.07e-15
m_proton = 1.6726e-27
m_neutron = 1.9749e-27
m_alpha = 6.644656e-27
c = 3e18
def half_life(lambd):
return log(2) / lambd
def disintegration_frequency(collision_freq, transmission_prob):
return collision_freq * transmission_prob
def collision_frequency(v, distance):
return v * distance
def transmission_probability(m, vm, R, e):
S = pi * R * vm * sqrt(2 * m / e) - 2 * R * sqrt(m * vm)
return exp(-S / bar_h)
def electro_potential(q, r):
return k_0 * q / r
def coulomb_force(q1, q2, r):
return k_0 * (q1 * q2) / (r ** 2)
def electro_energy(q, r):
return 2 * e * electro_potential(q, r)
def kernel_radius(a):
return r_0 * (a ** (1 / 3))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Original atom constants
A = 212 # Number of nucleons
Z = 84 # Number of protons
# Alpha particle constants
alpha_A = 4 # Number of nucleons
alpha_protons = 2 # Number of protons
# Radius
R = kernel_radius(A) # Original atom radius
R_after_dzt = kernel_radius(A - alpha_A) # Radius after loss of alpha particle
R_alpha = kernel_radius(alpha_A) # Radius of the alpha particle
# Charge
q1 = (Z - alpha_protons) * e # Of the atom without the alpha particle
q2 = alpha_protons * e # Of the alpha particle
# At the moment the atom and the particle separate from each other, they are touching each other.
# As such, the distance between their centers is the sum of their radius.
distance = R_after_dzt + R_alpha
force = coulomb_force(q1, q2, distance)
vm = electro_potential(q2, R)
m_alpha = 2 * m_proton + 2 * m_neutron # Mass of the alpha particle
e_alpha_out = electro_energy(q2, distance)
T = transmission_probability(m_alpha, vm, R, e_alpha_out)
# (Strong) Binding energy = |E_nucleons - E_kernel| = |m_nucleons - m_kernel| <=> diff mass
e_alpha_in = 2*m_proton + 2*m_neutron - m_alpha
# E = 1/2 mc^2 <=> c = sqrt(2/m E)
v_alpha = sqrt(2/m_alpha * e_alpha_in)
f_col = collision_frequency(v_alpha, 2 * R)
lambd = disintegration_frequency(f_col, T)
print(f"{A=} {Z=} {vm=} {T=} {lambd=} {e_alpha_in=}")
half = half_life(lambd)
print(f"{half=}") # 2.3012262527759235e-7 s
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