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Last active March 19, 2020 19:53
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Runnable demo of timer bugs in Twisted's asyncioreactor
import gc
import time
from twisted.internet import asyncioreactor
from twisted.internet import reactor
def bug_reset_later():
Move timer on later time doesn't work.
This is because DelayedCall.resetter isn't called if the call is reset
on later time. It is only called when DelayedCall.reset() is called with
earlier time. But current implementation relayes on resetter is being called.
Expected result:
>>> fired 3
Actual result:
>>> fired 1
t0 = time.time()
dc = reactor.callLater(1, lambda: print('fired', round(time.time() - t0)))
reactor.callLater(5, reactor.stop)
def bug_reset_earlier():
Move timer on earlier time raising exception when original time is come.
This is because current implementation doesn't cancel original asyncio timer.
Expected result:
>>> fired 1
Actual result:
>>> fired 1
Exception in callback AsyncioSelectorReactor.callLater.<locals>.run() at .../twisted/internet/
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: <DelayedCall 0x7f033cf6bc50 [-2.004988376997062s] called=True cancelled=0 AsyncioSelectorReactor.callLater.<locals>.run()>
t0 = time.time()
dc = reactor.callLater(3, lambda: print('fired', round(time.time() - t0)))
reactor.callLater(5, reactor.stop)
def nonbug_circular_references():
Current timer implementation leaves many circular references between local
functions in AsyncioSelectorReactor.callLater and theirs closures. In apps
that heavily use timers this leads to significantly higher memory usage
and/or significantly more frequent GC invocations.
I've raised similar issue before for TLS code and it was considered worth fixing:
This sample calculates number of cyclically linked objects leaved per single
timer after scheduling and running many timers.
Expected result:
Much less than 1. For example, I get 0.0064 for EPollReactor, PollReactor
and SelectReactor.
Actual result:
≈ 20
nop = lambda: ...
count = 10000
objects_before = len(gc.get_objects())
for _ in range(count):
reactor.callLater(1, nop)
def stop():
objects_after = len(gc.get_objects())
print('Garbage objects per timer:', (objects_after - objects_before) / count)
reactor.callLater(3, stop)
# bug_reset_earlier()
# nonbug_circular_references()
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