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Created April 17, 2019 06:02
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Visual downsampling of graph data
export const binarySearchByField = function (data, field, value) {
var r = data.length, l = -1, m;
while (r - l > 1)
if (data[m = r + l >> 1][field] < value) l = m
else r = m
return {l, r}
export const binarySearchByIndex0 = function (data, value) {
return binarySearchByField(data, 0, value)
import {binarySearchByIndex0} from './common'
# data: [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...]
# min_x/max_x: X axis interval
# pnt_count: number of pixels [min_x, max_x] interval should map to
export default (data, [min_x, max_x], pnt_count) ->
left = binarySearchByIndex0(data, min_x).r
right = binarySearchByIndex0(data, max_x).r
data = data.slice(Math.max(left-1, 0), right+1)
data_length = data.length
return data if data_length <= pnt_count
x_per_bucket = (max_x - min_x) / pnt_count
bucket_l = min_x
bucket_l -= bucket_l % x_per_bucket
output = [data[0]]
i = 0
bucket_r = bucket_l + x_per_bucket
max = null
min = null
first = last = null
first_null = no
last_null = no
while data[i]? and i < data_length and data[i][0] < bucket_r
if not max? or data[i][1] > max[1]
max = data[i]
if not min? or data[i][1] < min[1]
min = data[i]
if not first?
if data[i][1] == null
first_null = yes
first = data[i]
last_null = data[i][1] == null
last = data[i]
if first_null
output.push [bucket_l, null]
else if first?
output.push first
if min? and max?
if min[0] < max[0]
if min[0] != first?[0]
output.push min
if max[0] != last?[0]
output.push max
if max[0] != first?[0]
output.push max
if min[0] != last?[0]
output.push min
if last_null
output.push [bucket_r-1, null]
else if last?
output.push last
if i >= data_length
bucket_l += x_per_bucket
return output
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