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Created March 15, 2015 12:59
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C++ Game
//File Name: SourceCh3.cpp
//Author: Brandon Cabael
//Assignment : Chapter 3
//Description: Create Rock Paper Scissors Game
//Last Changed: March 3, 2015
//Including string for the P_1 and P_2 variables
using namespace std;
int main()
//Declare variable
string P_1, P_2;
//Begin output of instructions to user
cout << "Press return after typing in your answer.\n";
cout << "We are going to play a game of rock paper scissors!\n";
cout << "For the purposes of this game, p=paper, r=rock, s=scissors\n";
cout << "(Answers are not case-sensitive.)\n";
//Begin input of player 1
cout << "\nPlayer 1, which do you choose? Rock, paper or scissors? ";
cin >> P_1;
//Begin input of player 2
cout << "\nPlayer 2, which do you choose? Rock, paper or scissors? ";
cin >> P_2;
cout << "\n";
//Begin output of winner
if (((P_1 == "p") || (P_1 == "P")) && ((P_2 == "r") || (P_2 == "R")))
cout << "Paper covers rock! Player 1 wins!\n";
else if (((P_1 == "p") || (P_1 == "P")) && ((P_2 == "s") || (P_2 == "S")))
cout << "Scissors cut paper! Player 2 wins!\n";
else if (((P_1 == "r") || (P_1 == "R")) && ((P_2 == "p") || (P_2 == "P")))
cout << "Paper covers rock! Player 2 wins!\n";
else if (((P_1 == "r") || (P_1 == "R")) && ((P_2 == "s") || (P_2 == "S")))
cout << "Rock breaks scissors! Player 1 wins!\n";
else if (((P_1 == "s") || (P_1 == "S")) && ((P_2 == "p") || (P_2 == "P")))
cout << "Scissors cuts paper! Player 1 wins!\n";
else if (((P_1 == "s") || (P_1 == "S")) && ((P_2 == "r") || (P_2 == "R")))
cout << "Rock breaks scissors! Player 2 wins!\n";
else //(P_1 == P_2)
cout << "Nobody wins!\n";
//Begin input from user if they want to play again
cout << "would you like to play again? (1 for yes) ";
cin >> REPLAY;
cout << "\n";
//Begin if else statement to play again.
if (REPLAY == 1)
return main();
return 0;
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