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Created July 29, 2019 20:40
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Simple Powershell script for switching a named profile into the default profile
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$profile = ""
if ($profile -eq "")
$profile = Read-Host -Prompt "What profile should we switch to?"
Write-Host "Using profile $profile" -ForegroundColor Green
$keys = @(
foreach ($key in $keys)
$getCmd = "aws configure get $profile.$key"
$value = Invoke-Expression $getCmd
if (($lastexitcode) -and ($key -ne 'output') -and ($key -ne 'region'))
throw $er
Write-Host "Value doesn't exist for $profile.$key, exiting..." -ForegroundColor Red
if ($value)
$setCmd = "aws configure set default.$key $value"
Invoke-Expression $setCmd
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