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Last active October 31, 2023 16:06
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A copy of the instruction on how to install perforce on AWS in text form in case Perforce changes things again

Create an AWS Account

  1. Create or launch an AWS account. You’ll need to have a credit card ready. Or you can log in to your existing AWS account.
  2. Navigate to the Perforce Helix Core AMI.
  3. Click Continue to Subscribe.
  4. Click Continue to Configuration to start setting up your virtual machine.
  5. On the configuration page, leave delivery method and software version as defaults. The region will automatically update to your nearest data center.
  6. Click Continue to Launch.
    • NOTE: Under the pricing information you will see a monthly estimate. This assumes you are using the recommended EC2 for optimal Helix Core performance. If you are evaluating Helix Core, you can start with a smaller instance type. And with AWS, you can change your instance type at any time.
  7. Now you will need to configure your instance. You have options:
    • Launch From Website: This option allows you to quickly configure your AMI. You can launch in seconds!
    • Launch Through EC2: Select this option if you are looking to customize your AMI. It will walk you through each setting.

Launch Helix Core AMI From Website

  1. Already have an account? Navigate to the Perforce Helix Core AMI. Subscribe and click Continue to Configuration.
  2. Select Launch from Website.
  3. Select your EC2 instance type. This defines virtual OS and storage configuration.
    • For production level workloads, we recommend c5.4xlarge. If you are looking for a free option — select t2.micro. You can always change your instance type later.
  4. Leave VPC settings as the default.
  5. Leave subnet settings as the default.
  6. To create a security group, click Create New Based on Seller Settings.
  7. Name your security group. For example, Perforce Security Group.
  8. Leave your SSH CIDR range to for open up for access. This means it is open to the entire internet. Make sure you come back and lock it down later.
  9. You will need to establish a key pair. This is critical. The keypair is used to access the new server. If you already have one, select it from the dropdown.
  10. To create a new key pair, click Create a key pair in EC2.
    • In the new window, click Create key pair.
    • Enter a name. For example, Perforce Key Pair.
    • Select pem as your file format.
    • Select Add Tag. Enter a “Name” and a description.
  11. Now that you have successfully created a key pair, copy the ID and store this in a safe place. If you lose the keypair, you will lose access to this instance.
  12. Go back to your AWS console. Refresh your key pair options and select.
  13. Click Launch.
  14. Now you have Helix Core running on your AWS instance.

Launch Helix Core AMI Through EC2

  1. Already have an account? Navigate to the Perforce Helix Core AMI.. Subscribe and click Continue to Configuration.
  2. Select Launch Through EC2. This will allow you to configure your instance using the Amazon EC2 console. Click Launch.
  3. Select your EC2 instance type. This defines virtual OS and storage configuration.
    • For production level workloads, we recommend c5.4xlarge. If you are looking for a free option — select t2.micro. You can always change your instance type later.
  4. Click Next:Configure Instance Details.
  5. For evaluation, we recommend leaving all defaults. Review our best practice guide before making any selections.
  6. Click Next: Add Storage. If you are using the free tier, you can add up to 30 GB of storage. We recommend selecting 2X your current project size for optimal performance.
  7. Click Next: Add Tags.
  8. Select Add Tag. This will make it easier to find your instance. Enter a “Name” and add a description.
  9. Click Next: Configure Security Group. You need to create a new security group for your instance.
    • Enter a name for your security group. For example, Perforce Security Group.
    • Set your Port 22 with Protocol TCP to open so you can log in to your new instance via SSH. This will be necessary to complete the installation of the Helix Core.
    • Click Add Rule. Set the TCP port to 1666.
    • This menu allows you to specify a CIDR range to open up for access. We recommend starting with, which on AWS indicates “open to the entire internet.” Make sure you come back and lock it down later.
  10. Click Review and Launch.
  11. Review your instance and click Launch.
  12. Now AWS will have you establish a key pair. This is critical. The keypair is used to access the new server. If you already have one, you can select it now.
    • Go to the drop down and click Create a new key pair.
    • Enter a name for the key pair.
    • Download the private key and store this in a safe place. If you lose the keypair, you will lose access to this instance. You will need this to log in.
  13. Click Launch Instances.
  14. Now you have Helix Core running on your AWS instance.

Connect to Your Helix Core Server

Now you are ready to connect to your Helix Core server.

  1. Start by downloading a Helix Core client. For example, P4 (command-line) or P4V (Helix Visual Client).
  2. Open the client.
  3. The connection is “IP:1666” (IP is the “Public IPv4 address”). The username is “root” and the password is “p@ ssw0rd”. Please change after sign-in using security best practices.
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