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Last active December 28, 2015 18:02
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Save ImaginaryDevelopment/3d3c40ac568a4d72a226 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
T4 Sql generator for .dbproj files
<#@ template debug="True" language="C#" hostspecific="True" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Data" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Data.Entity.Design" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Globalization" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.IO" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Text" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Data.Entity.Design.PluralizationServices" #>
<#@ output extension=".txt" #>
DTE Dte;
var doMultiFile=true;
//this relies on the nuget packages: T4EnvDte and T4MultiFile
<#@ include file="MultipleOutputHelper.ttinclude" #>
<#@ include file="EnvDteHelper.ttinclude"#>
<#@ include file="SqlGeneration.ttinclude" #>
var manager = Manager.Create(Host, GenerationEnvironment);
var projects = RecurseSolutionProjects(Dte);
var targetProjectName = "ApplicationDatabase";
var toGen = new []
new TableInfo{
Columns = new []{
new ColumnInfo{ Name = "AccountID", Type = typeof(int), Attributes = new []{"identity","primary key"}},
new ColumnInfo{ Name = "AccountTypeId", Type = typeof(string), Length=50,
FKey= new FKeyInfo{Schema="Accounts",Table="AccountType",Column="AccountTypeId"},
ReferenceValuesWithComment = new []{"Patient", "Payer", "System", "ThirdParty"}.ToDictionary(f => f, f => (string)null),
new ColumnInfo{ Name = "Name", Type = typeof(string), Length=50},
CreateFKeyedColumn<int>("PayerID", new FKeyInfo{ Schema="dbo", Table="Payers" }, true),
new TableInfo{
Columns = new []{
new ColumnInfo{ Name = "JournalEntryID", Type = typeof(int), Attributes = new []{"identity","primary key"}},
CreateFKeyedColumn<int>("CreditAccountID", new FKeyInfo{Schema="Accounts",Table="Account",Column="AccountID"}),
CreateFKeyedColumn<int>("DebitAccountID", new FKeyInfo{Schema="Accounts",Table="Account",Column="AccountID"}),
new ColumnInfo{ Name = "Amount", Type = typeof(decimal), Precision=8,Scale=2},
CreateFKeyedColumn<int>("ChargeID", new FKeyInfo{Schema="dbo",Table="Charge"}, true),
CreateFKeyedColumn<int>("PaymentID", new FKeyInfo{Schema="dbo",Table="Payment"}, true),
CreateFKeyedColumn<int>("PaymentItemID", new FKeyInfo{Schema="Payments",Table="PaymentItem"}, true),
CreateFKeyedColumn<int>("AppointmentID", new FKeyInfo{Schema="dbo",Table="Appointments"}, true),
CreateUserIdColumn(null, true, "null to allow system inserts/adjustments that aren't done by a user"),
new ColumnInfo{
Name="Entered", Type = typeof(DateTime),
new ColumnInfo{
Name="Comments", Type = typeof(string),
Main File Output
<# foreach(var proj in projects){ #>
<#= proj.Name#>
<# } #>
var targetProject = projects.First(p => p.Name==targetProjectName);
var targetProjectFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(targetProject.FullName);
GenerateTablesAndReferenceTables(manager, targetProject, targetProjectFolder, toGen);
public class FKeyInfo
public string Schema {get;set;}
public string Table{get;set;}
public string Column{get;set;}
public class ColumnInfo
public string Name{get;set;}
public Type Type {get;set;}
public int? Length {get;set;}
public int? Precision{get;set;}
public int? Scale{get;set;}
public bool UseMax {get;set;}
public bool AllowNull{get;set;}
public IEnumerable<string> Attributes{get;set;}
public FKeyInfo FKey {get;set;}
public IEnumerable<string> Comments {get;set;}
public bool GenerateReferenceTable {get;set;}
public IDictionary<string,string> ReferenceValuesWithComment {get;set;}
public class TableInfo
public string Name{get;set;}
public string Schema{get;set;}
public IEnumerable<ColumnInfo> Columns {get;set;}
void GenerateTable(Manager manager, EnvDTE.Project targetProject, string targetProjectFolder, TableInfo ti)
var targetFilename = Path.Combine(targetProjectFolder,"Schema Objects", "Schemas", ti.Schema, "Tables", ti.Name + ".table.sql");
WriteLine("Generating into " + targetFilename + " for project " + targetProject.Name);
-- Generated file, DO NOT edit directly
CREATE TABLE [<#=ti.Schema#>].[<#= ti.Name#>] (
var i = 0;
var columnCount= ti.Columns.Count();
var hasCombinationPK = ti.Columns.Count(ci => ci.Attributes != null && ci.Attributes.Contains("primary key")) > 1;
foreach(var ci in ti.Columns)
var fKey = FormatFKey(ti.Name,ci.Name,ci.FKey);
var multipleComments = ci.Comments != null && ci.Comments.Count() > 1;
WriteLine("\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", ci.Comments.Select(c => " -- " + c)));
var comment = ci.Comments != null && ci.Comments.Count() == 1 ? " -- " + ci.Comments.First() : string.Empty;
if(ci.ReferenceValuesWithComment != null && ci.ReferenceValuesWithComment.Any() && (multipleComments || ci.Comments == null || !ci.Comments.Any()))
comment = " -- " + string.Join(",", ci.ReferenceValuesWithComment.Keys);
<#= ("[" + ci.Name + "]").PadRight(32, ' ') #><#= MapTypeToSql(ci.Type,ci.Length,ci.Precision,ci.Scale,ci.UseMax).PadRight(16,' ')#><#= FormatAttributes(ci.Attributes,hasCombinationPK,fKey,ci.AllowNull) #><#= i < columnCount - 1 || hasCombinationPK ? "," : string.Empty#><#= multipleComments? Environment.NewLine : string.Empty#><#= comment #>
WriteLine("CONSTRAINT PK_" + ti.Name + " PRIMARY KEY ("+ string.Join(",",ti.Columns.Where(ci => ci.Attributes != null && ci.Attributes.Contains("primary key")).Select(ci => ci.Name)) + ")" ); #>
<#+ manager.EndBlock();
void GenerateAccountingInserts(Manager manager, EnvDTE.Project targetProject, string targetProjectFolder, IEnumerable<TableInfo> tables, string targetRelativePath)
// generate reference data
var toGen = tables.Where(t=> t.Columns.Any(c=> c.ReferenceValuesWithComment != null && c.ReferenceValuesWithComment.Any())).ToArray();
var targetFilename = Path.Combine(targetProjectFolder,targetRelativePath);
manager.StartNewFile(targetFilename, targetProject); #>
-- Generated file, DO NOT edit directly
PRINT 'Starting Accounting Synchronization'
foreach(var tbl in toGen)
foreach(var column in tbl.Columns.Where(c => c.ReferenceValuesWithComment != null && c.ReferenceValuesWithComment.Any()).ToArray())
var schema = column.FKey.Schema;
var table = column.FKey.Table;
var columnName = column.FKey.Column ?? column.Name;
PRINT 'Synchronizing [<#= schema #>.<#= table #>]'
SELECT [<#= columnName #>]
var i = 0;
var valueCount = column.ReferenceValuesWithComment.Keys.Count();
foreach(var v in column.ReferenceValuesWithComment.Keys){ #>
('<#= v.Replace("'","''") #>')<#= i < valueCount -1 ? "," : ")" #><#= column.ReferenceValuesWithComment[v] != null? " -- " + column.ReferenceValuesWithComment[v] : string.Empty #>
} #>
AS SOURCE([<#= columnName #>])
MERGE INTO [<#= schema #>].[<#= columnName #>] AS TARGET
ON CTE.[<#= columnName #>] = TARGET.[<#= columnName #>]
INSERT([<#= columnName #>])
VALUES([<#= columnName #>]);
PRINT 'Done Synchronizing [<#= schema #>.<#= table #>]'
public static string FormatAttributes(IEnumerable<string> attributes,bool hasCombinationPK, string fKey, bool allowNull)
var isPk = attributes != null && attributes.Contains("primary key");
var needsStarter = allowNull || !isPk || hasCombinationPK;
var starter = (allowNull ? "null" : needsStarter ? "not null" : string.Empty) + (needsStarter ? " " : string.Empty);
if (attributes == null) return starter + (fKey != null? " " + fKey : null);
var attribs = starter + string.Join(" ", hasCombinationPK && attributes != null ? attributes.Except(new []{"primary key"}) : attributes);
if(fKey == null)
return attribs;
return attribs + " " + fKey;
public static string MapTypeToSql(Type type,int? length, int? precision,int? scale, bool useMax)
if(type == typeof(int))
return "int";
if(type == typeof(string))
return "varchar(" + (useMax?"MAX":length.ToString()) + ")";
if(type == typeof(decimal))
return "decimal" + (scale.HasValue&& precision.HasValue? "("+precision+","+scale+")" : string.Empty);
if(type == typeof(DateTime))
return "datetime";
if(type == typeof(bool))
return "bit";
return type.Name;
public static string FormatFKey(string table, string column, FKeyInfo fKey)
if(fKey == null)
return null;
// sprintf "CONSTRAINT [FK_%s_%s_%s_%s] FOREIGN KEY ([%s]) REFERENCES [dbo].[%s] ([%s])" tableName targetColumn fkeyTable fkeyColumn targetColumn fkeyTable fkeyColumn
var fKeyColumn = fKey.Column ?? column;
return "CONSTRAINT [FK_"+ table + "_" + column + "_" + fKey.Table + "_" + fKeyColumn + "] FOREIGN KEY ([" + column + "]) REFERENCES [" + fKey.Schema + "].[" + fKey.Table + "] ([" + fKeyColumn + "])";
void GenerateTablesAndReferenceTables(Manager manager, Project targetProject, string targetProjectFolder, IEnumerable<TableInfo> toGen)
foreach(var ti in toGen)
GenerateTable(manager, targetProject, targetProjectFolder, ti);
foreach(var childCi in ti.Columns.Where(ci => ci.GenerateReferenceTable))
var pkeyColumn = new ColumnInfo{ Name=childCi.Name, Type = childCi.Type, Attributes = new []{ "primary key" }, Length= childCi.Length, UseMax= childCi.UseMax };
var columns = new []{ pkeyColumn};
var name = childCi.FKey.Table;
var table = new TableInfo{ Schema=childCi.FKey.Schema, Name=name,Columns=columns};
GenerateTable(manager, targetProject, targetProjectFolder, table);
public static ColumnInfo CreateFKeyedColumn<T>(string name, FKeyInfo fkey)
return CreateFKeyedColumn<T>(name,fkey, false);
public static ColumnInfo CreateFKeyedColumn<T>(string name, FKeyInfo fkey, bool allowNull)
return CreateFKeyedColumn<T>(name, fkey, allowNull, null);
public static ColumnInfo CreateFKeyedColumn<T>(string name, FKeyInfo fkey, bool allowNull, string comment)
return new ColumnInfo{
Name=name, Type = typeof(T),
Comments = comment != null? new[]{ comment} : null
public static ColumnInfo CreatePatientIdColumn(string prefix, bool allowNull, string comment)
return CreateFKeyedColumn<int>(prefix + "PatientID", new FKeyInfo{ Schema="dbo", Table="Patients",Column="PatientID" }, allowNull, comment);
public static ColumnInfo CreateUserIdColumn(string prefix, bool allowNull, string comment)
return CreateFKeyedColumn<int>(prefix + "UserID", new FKeyInfo{ Schema="dbo", Table="Users",Column="UserID" }, allowNull, comment);
public static ColumnInfo MakeNullable50(string name)
return new ColumnInfo{ Name = name, Type = typeof(string), AllowNull = true, Length = 50 };
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