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Created August 9, 2015 02:57
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Catan modeling
type Hand = { Wood: byte; Wheat: byte; Sheep: byte; Stone: byte; Gold:byte} with
member x.Values = [x.Wood; x.Wheat; x.Sheep; x.Stone; x.Gold]
member x.IsValid = x.Values |> Seq.forall ((>=) 0uy)
member x.HasAtLeast (resources:Hand) =
let calculated = x.Values |> Seq.map2 (<=) resources.Values
calculated |> Seq.forall id
static member Zero = {Wood = 0uy; Wheat = 0uy; Sheep = 0uy; Stone = 0uy; Gold = 0uy}
static member (-) (f1 : Hand, f2 : Hand) =
let takeRes errorMsg x1 x2 = if x1 < x2 then failwith errorMsg else x1 - x2
//let wheat = if f1.Wheat < f2.Wheat then failwithf "Not enough wheat. Go get a combine" else f1.Wheat - f2.Wheat
let wood = takeRes "Not enough wood. Try again in the morning" f1.Wood f2.Wood
let wheat = takeRes "Not enough wheat." f1.Wheat f2.Wheat
let sheep = takeRes "Not enough Sheep" f1.Sheep f2.Sheep
let stone = takeRes "Not enough stone" f1.Stone f2.Stone
let gold = takeRes "Not enough gold" f1.Gold f2.Gold
{Wood = wood; Wheat = wheat; Sheep = sheep; Stone = stone; Gold = gold}
static member (+) (f1,f2) = {Wood= f1.Wood + f2.Wood; Wheat = f1.Wheat + f2.Wheat; Sheep = f1.Sheep + f2.Sheep; Stone = f1.Stone + f2.Stone;Gold = f1.Gold + f2.Gold}
module Tests =
let hand = {Wood=1uy; Wheat =0uy; Sheep= 0uy; Stone = 0uy; Gold = 0uy}
let test1 ()= hand.HasAtLeast {Wood = 1uy; Wheat = 0uy;Stone = 0uy; Gold= 0uy; Sheep = 0uy}
let test2 () = hand.HasAtLeast {Wood = 1uy; Wheat = 0uy;Stone = 0uy; Gold= 0uy; Sheep = 1uy}
type State = { Players: (string*Hand) seq
//Player1:Hand option; Player2: Hand option; Player3: Hand option; Player4: Hand option
} //with
//static member Initial = {Room="start"; Xp=0; Level =1; X=0; Y=0;Health = 4<Health>; MoveCount =0; Monster = None; Damage = Die.D4}
type Player = string
type Give = Player*Hand
type Take = Hand * Player
type Command =
|Trade of (Give) * (Take) //proposed state
|Load of State // load a saved game
type Reply =
| TradeSuccess
| Msg of string
| Death of string
| Exception of Command * System.Exception
type Message = Command*State*AsyncReplyChannel<Reply*State>
let processCommand cmd (initialState:State) =
let replyCant () = Msg "I'm afraid I can't let you go that way dave"
match cmd with
| Trade (give,take) ->
let giver,give = give
let take,taker = take
let giverHand = initialState.Players |> Seq.find(fun (p,_) -> giver = p) |> snd
let takerHand = initialState.Players |> Seq.find(fun (p,_) -> taker = p) |> snd
match giverHand.HasAtLeast give, takerHand.HasAtLeast take with
| true,true -> Reply.TradeSuccess, {Players = initialState.Players |> (p,hand) -> p, if p= giver then hand + take - give elif p = taker then hand + give - take else hand) }
| false,true -> Msg "Giver didn't have enough resources",initialState
| true,false -> Msg "Taker didn't have enough resources",initialState
let mailbox =
let processor = new MailboxProcessor<Message>(fun inbox ->
let rec loop() =
let! message = inbox.Receive()
let cmd, initialState, replyChannel = message
let reply,state =
processCommand cmd initialState
with ex -> Exception(cmd,ex), initialState
replyChannel.Reply (reply,state)
do! loop()
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