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Last active August 16, 2016 20:26
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Save ImaginaryDevelopment/813bc7a27e30038f5c1a9573127eed5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get All sproc calls from code files
// search code for sproc references and check that they exist in the db project
// consider three different joins, one with each as primary to find things that exist in one but not the other
// compiles and does exactly what is desired now
module Settings =
let debug = false
let slnRoot = Path.Combine(Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%devroot%"),"PracticeManagement","dev","PracticeManagement")
let startPath = slnRoot
let sqlProjDirectory = Path.Combine(slnRoot,"Db") //C:\TFS\PracticeManagement\dev\PracticeManagement\Db
let sqlProjectFile =
// let the finding of code references work even if the sql project file doesn't exist
Lazy (fun () -> Directory.GetFiles(sqlProjDirectory,"*.sqlproj") |> Seq.head)
let directoryBlacklist:string list =
type System.String with
static member before (delimiter:string) (x:string) = x.Substring(0, x.IndexOf delimiter)
static member after (delimiter:string) (x:string) =
match x.IndexOf delimiter with
| i when i < 0 -> failwithf "after called without matching substring in '%s'(%s)" x delimiter
| i -> x.Substring(i + delimiter.Length)
module LinqPad =
let dumpt (t:string) x =
let dumpSeqItemsIf f (t:string) = x ->
match f x with
| Some item -> item |> dumpt t |> ignore
| None -> ()
let dumpdt (t:string) x =
if Settings.debug then
x |> dumpt t
let dumpdtIf (t:string) f x =
if Settings.debug && f x then
x |> dumpt t
else x
module String =
let endsWith delimiter (x:string) = x.EndsWith(delimiter)
let endsWithI delimiter (x:string) = x.EndsWith(delimiter,StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
let contains (delimiter:string) (x:string) = x.Contains(delimiter)
let containsI (delimiter:String) (x:string) = x.Contains(delimiter,StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
module Seq =
let any items =
items |> Seq.exists(fun _ -> true)
let anyF items f item =
|> Seq.exists(fun childItem -> f item childItem)
let endsWithAny (items:#seq<string>) (item:string) =
anyF items (fun (x:string) (y:string) -> x.EndsWith(y)) item
// items
// |> Seq.exists(fun childItem -> item.EndsWith(childItem))
let endsWithAnyI items item =
anyF items (fun (x:string) (y:string) -> x.EndsWith(y, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) item
let uncurry f (x,y) = f x y
let assertThat b = if b then () else failwithf "Assertion failed"
let assertThatMsg b msg = if b then () else failwith msg
module UtilTests =
assertThatMsg(["asb"] |> Seq.any) "Seq.Any failed"
assertThat ("abc" |> Seq.anyF ["ab";"abc"] (fun x y -> x = y))
assertThat ("abc.fs" |> Seq.endsWithAnyI [".cs";".fs"])
open LinqPad
let rec recurseDirectory fileTypes basePath =
match IO.Directory.Exists basePath with
| true ->
if Settings.debug then printfn "Searching in %s" basePath
let files =
IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles basePath
|> dumpSeqItemsIf (fun p -> if Settings.debug && String.endsWithI ".fs" p then Some p else None) "FSharp files to search"
|> Seq.filter (Seq.endsWithAnyI fileTypes) //(fun p -> fileTypes |> Seq.exists(fun ft -> p.EndsWith ft))
|> dumpdt "Files found"
yield! files
let directoryFiles =
IO.Directory.EnumerateDirectories basePath
|> dumpdt "Directories to search"
|> Seq.filter (Seq.endsWithAnyI Settings.directoryBlacklist >> not) //(fun d -> blacklist |> Seq.exists(fun blocked -> d.EndsWith(blocked)) |> not)
|> (recurseDirectory fileTypes)
|> Seq.collect id
yield! directoryFiles
| false ->
printfn "Failed to find directory:%s" basePath
type SprocDetail = {LineNumber:int; Line:string}
let findSprocReferences file =
let chooseSprocReference sprocDetail =
// consider filtering items like this out: public PcpDataModel(Pm.Dal.AppDal.AppTypeHost.ServiceTypes.UspPcpGetResult r)
match String.containsI "\"usp" sprocDetail.Line || String.containsI ".usp" sprocDetail.Line with
| true ->
let sprocName = Regex.Match(sprocDetail.Line,@"(:?\""|\.)(usp\w+)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Groups.[2].Value
if sprocName.EndsWith("Result") then // type provider has types that end with Result
Some(sprocName, sprocDetail)
| false -> None
IO.File.ReadLines file
|> Seq.mapi (fun i l -> {LineNumber=i;Line=l})
|> Seq.choose chooseSprocReference
|> List.ofSeq
|> fun lines -> file,lines
// missing from results: dbESeqReadOnly cn (fun db -> db.UspStatementsFirstGet(apptId))
type FilePath = string
type FileReference = {Path:string; Refs: SprocDetail list}
type SprocReference = {SprocName: string; Details: FileReference list}
let sprocsToVerify =
recurseDirectory [".cs";".fs"] Settings.startPath
|> dumpSeqItemsIf (fun p -> if Settings.debug && String.endsWithI ".fs" p then Some p else None) "files"
|> findSprocReferences
|> Seq.filter (snd >> Seq.any)
|> (fun (p,nameDetailList) -> nameDetailList |> (fun (name,nd) -> (p,name,nd))) //{ SprocName = sprocName; Details = [ {Path=p; Refs = [detail]} ] } )
|> Seq.collect id
|> Seq.groupBy (fun (_,name,_) -> name)
|> (fun (sprocName,items) -> sprocName, items |> (fun (file,_,detail) -> file,detail) |> List.ofSeq)
|> dumpdt "recursed files"
module DbProjects =
// checks that there is a .sproc.sql file that exists in the db project's sub folders
// check that the project file actually includes this sproc, not that it is just sitting in the dir
// consider: checking the file actually does define the sproc it claims it does
let sprocFileExtension = ".proc.sql"
let sprocFiles = Lazy (fun () -> recurseDirectory [sprocFileExtension] Settings.sqlProjDirectory |> List.ofSeq)
let verifyInDbFolder sprocName =
|> (fun fullpath -> fullpath |> String.before sprocFileExtension)
|> Seq.filter(String.endsWithI sprocName)
|> Seq.tryHead
let verifyInDbProj sprocName =
|> File.ReadLines
|> Seq.mapi (fun i line -> (i,line))
|> Seq.filter (fun (_,line) -> line.Contains(sprocName,StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
|> (fun (i,line) -> {LineNumber=i; Line=line})
|> Seq.tryHead
if not <| Directory.Exists Settings.sqlProjDirectory then raise <| DirectoryNotFoundException()
type SprocVerification = { Name:string; DbProjDetail:SprocDetail option; DbFolderPath:string; FilesToDetails: Map<string, SprocDetail list> }
|> (fun (k,v) ->k,DbProjects.verifyInDbProj k, DbProjects.verifyInDbFolder k, v)
|> Dump
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