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Last active July 18, 2024 15:58
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Distant Horizons common Issues and Questions

Distant Horizons related common Issues and Questions

This is a list of common Issues and Questions related to DH.

Distant Horizons will be refered to as DH.
Chunks rendered by the DH are called LODs.


Question - Regenerate LODs:

  • How do I delete LODs?
  • How do I regenerate the LODs?

To regenerate the LODs, you will have to delete them first and then let DH generate them again.

To delete LODs, you will have to delete the files they're stored in.
The files are located in the following locations:

Single Player:

  • Overworld: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
  • Nether: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM-1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
  • End: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIM1/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite
  • Custom Dimensions: .minecraft/saves/WORLD_NAME/DIMENSION_FOLDER/data/DistantHorizons.sqlite


  • .minecraft/Distant_Horizons_server_data/SERVER_NAME/

Question - Multiplayer:

  • How does DH behave on multiplayer?
  • DH not generating on multiplayer
  • DH only renders previously visited chunks.

If you're playing on multiplayer, you will have to explore chunks before DH can render these chunks.

There is a serverside fork tho, which makes DH be able to generate chunks itself, even if on a server. To install and learn more about the serverside fork, read the pinned messages inside the serverside fork thread of DH's discord server.
The serverside fork is planned to be merged into mainline DH as soon as its ready.

Performance related

Question - RAM:

  • How do I allocate more RAM?
  • How much RAM should I allocated?

First, lets talk about how much RAM you should allocate.

A simple calculation, that can be used to determine how much RAM you should allocate when using the DH Distant Generation, is this: 4096 + (worldgen thread count * 512) MiB.
You can find the world gen thread count under in this location: DH Settings > Advanced Options > Threading > NO. of world generation threads
Note, this calculation will give the amount in MiB, not in GB, so you might have to convert between these depending on your minecraft launcher.

Alternatively, here are some general guidelines you can use:

  • If you have 4GB or similar total RAM, don't change the default allocated RAM. Having almost all RAM allocated, can cause your system crashing or other dramatic issues.
  • If you have 8GB or similar total RAM, change the allocated RAM to about 4GB.
  • If you have 16GB or more total RAM, change the allocated RAM to about 6GB. If you are using DH, change it to about 8GB.

Note, all these previous RAM amounts are vague and were found to be working for the average modded minecraft instance. These amounts may not work nicely for your setup. The exact amount of RAM you should have allocated, depends on the mods, hardware, etc. To find out, what exact amount of RAM you should have allocated, you can use the Spark Mod. Run the command /sparkc gcmonitor and every now and then, a message will appear in chat with different informations, including the amount of RAM which were used, when the GC (Garbage Collector) ran. Let it run for a while, and then change the amount of allocated RAM to the average of the amount of RAM where the GC ran.

Note, allocating too much RAM can cause lag and big stutters, so watch out for this. Having the amount of total RAM allocated, can even lead to system crashes.

Allocating RAM depends on the minecraft launcher you're using, but here is a tutorial for the default minecraft launcher:

First, make sure minecraft isn't opened. Then open the Minecraft Launcher, click on Installations, the three dots of the profile which you want to increase the RAM for (these dots will only show when hovering over the profile), Edit, More Options. Now to edit the amount of allocated RAM, change the -Xmx2G Argument under JVM-Arguments accordingly to the amount of RAM you want to have allocated.
This would for example be with 8GB RAM: -Xmx8G

Question - Slow LOD Generation:

  • Why are the LODs generating so slowly?
  • How can I speed up the generation of LODs?

The reason for the generation of LODs being so slow, is that the generation depends on Minecrafts World Gen. As Minecrafts World Gen is slow, the generation of LODs is naturally also slow.

There are things you can do, to speed it up tho.

For example, you can increase CPU Load inside DH Settings.
Having enough RAM allocated is also important. Find out more about this in the RAM Question
You can also use performance boosting mods. You can find recommended mods in the Recommended Mods Question.

Question - Recommended Mods:

  • What performance boosting mods are recommended to use with this mod?

Here are some mods, which will improve performance:

Is is not recommended use C2ME with DH, as it won't improve performance, more so it will decrease performance. The reason for this is, C2ME's performance boost comes from multithreading worldgen. DH though, already multithreads worldgen, meaning the combination of C2ME and DH only creates unnecessary overhead, slowing it down

Question - Lag:

  • How do I reduce Lag, big FPS drops and stutters when using this mod?

If you're experiencing issues like this, make sure you have enough RAM allocated.
Read the Question related to RAM to figure out how to allocate more RAM.

Lowering the CPU Load inside DH Settings can also help.
In the Recommended Mods Question you can find some mods, which will help performance aswell.
You can also try using specific java flags. You can find a tuturial for this here.

Shader related

Question - Shader not working:

  • When using shaders, LODs won't render anymore.

This is probably caused by using the wrong combination of Shader, DH and Shaderloader.

Make sure you are using a compatible shader, DH 2.1.0+ and Iris/Oculus 1.7+.

Optifine doesn't have support for shader in combinations with DH, so LODs may not render at all, or atleast buggy. Instead of Optifine, consider using the Oculus and Embeddium alternative. Alternatives for almost every feature optifine has, can be found in the Optifine Alternatives website

More info can be found in the DH Shader Compat Info Gist.

Question - Bliss trailing :

  • The ground is "trailing" into the sky when using Bliss shaders.
    Example Image

Restart the game. If this is still happening after restarting the game, follow these steps: go to Distant horizons settings -> advanced options -> graphics -> rendering -> change transparency to complete -> restart the game.
If this is still happening, set Quality Preset inside DH Settings to Medium and restart again.
Lastly, if nothing helps, you can switch to another shader. This issue only exists when using Bliss.
You can get an overview of all shaders in the DH Shader Compat Info Gist.

Question - Shader Error:

  • I'm getting an Error when using a shader: This Pack doesn't have DH Support. Distant Horizons (DH) chunks won't show up. This isn't a bug, get another shader

This is happening, as you are using a shader which doesn't support DH. Fix this, by using a DH supporting shader instead of the current one. If you are using a compatible shader, make sure you are using the compatible version of the shader. Some shaders will only have DH Support in the In-Developement version of the shader.
You can get an overview of all shaders in the DH Shader Compat Info Gist

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