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Created August 12, 2020 06:41
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cd ~
# tmux session name
tmux kill-session -t $SN
cd ~/testnet
# nodes window
# start node_01 (initial session)
tmux new-session -d -s $SN -n nodes -- sh -ic 'echo node_01 && monerod --testnet --no-igd --hide-my-port --data-dir ~/testnet/node_01 --p2p-bind-ip --log-level 0 --add-exclusive-node --add-exclusive-node --fixed-difficulty 100 || read WHATEVER'
# start node_02
tmux split-window -dv
tmux select-pane -t 1
#tmux send-keys "cd ~/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer/build && sleep 20 && startxmrblocksmainet" C-m
tmux split-window -dh -- sh -ic 'echo node_02 && monerod --testnet --p2p-bind-port 38080 --rpc-bind-port 38081 --zmq-rpc-bind-port 38082 --no-igd --hide-my-port --log-level 0 --data-dir ~/testnet/node_02 --p2p-bind-ip --add-exclusive-node --add-exclusive-node --fixed-difficulty 100 || read WHATEVER'
# start node_03
tmux select-pane -t 3
tmux split-window -dh -- sh -ic 'echo node_03 && monerod --testnet --p2p-bind-port 48080 --rpc-bind-port 48081 --zmq-rpc-bind-port 48082 --no-igd --hide-my-port --log-level 0 --data-dir ~/testnet/node_03 --p2p-bind-ip --add-exclusive-node --add-exclusive-node --fixed-difficulty 100 || read WHATEVER'
# wallets window
# start wallet_01 (first pane in new window)
tmux new-window -n wallets -c ~/testnet -- sh -ic 'echo wallet_01 && monero-wallet-cli --testnet --trusted-daemon --wallet-file ./wallet_01.bin --password "" --log-file ./wallet_01.log || read WHATEVER'
# start wallet_02
tmux split-window -dv
tmux select-pane -t 1
tmux split-window -dh -- sh -ic 'echo wallet_02 && monero-wallet-cli --testnet --daemon-port 38081 --trusted-daemon --wallet-file ./wallet_02.bin --password "" --log-file ./wallet_02.log || read WHATEVER'
# start wallet_03
tmux select-pane -t 3
tmux split-window -dh -- sh -ic 'echo wallet_03 && monero-wallet-cli --testnet --daemon-port 48081 --trusted-daemon --wallet-file ./wallet_03.bin --password "" --log-file ./wallet_03.log || read WHATEVER'
# explorer window
# start the explorer for the private testnet network
cd ~/onion-monero-blockchain-explorer/build
tmux new-window -n explorer -- sh -ic "echo xmrblocks && ./xmrblocks -t -p 9999 -b $HOME/testnet/node_01/testnet/lmdb/ --no-blocks-on-index 50 --enable-as-hex --enable-pusher || read WHATEVER"
tmux split-window -v
tmux select-pane -t 0
# open second (wallets) tmux window
tmux select-window -t 1
# open tmux for this session
tmux a -t $SN
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