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Last active April 15, 2020 17:17
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  • Save ImkeF/11d52d5742a8fef36bb783cdc6a8f55b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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section MyGraphB;
// OAuth configuration settings
// TODO: set AAD client ID value in the client_id file
client_id = Text.FromBinary(Extension.Contents("client_id"));
client_secret = Text.FromBinary(Extension.Contents("client_secret"));
redirect_uri = "";
token_uri = "";
authorize_uri = "";
logout_uri = "";
windowWidth = 720;
windowHeight = 1024;
// See
scope_prefix = "";
scopes = {
// Exported function(s)
[DataSource.Kind="MyGraphB", Publish="MyGraphB.UI"]
shared MyGraphB.Feed =
(myURL as text) =>
source = OData.Feed(myURL, null, [ ODataVersion = 4, MoreColumns = true, Implementation = "2.0" ])
type function (myURL as Uri.Type) as any);
// Data Source definition
MyGraphB = [
TestConnection = (dataSourcePath) => { "MyGraphB.Feed", dataSourcePath },
Authentication = [
OAuth = [
Label = "My Graph Connector"
// UI Export definition
MyGraphB.UI = [
Beta = true,
ButtonText = { "MyGraphB_URI.Feed", "Connect to Graph" },
SourceImage = MyGraphB.Icons,
SourceTypeImage = MyGraphB.Icons
MyGraphB.Icons = [
Icon16 = { Extension.Contents("MyGraph16.png"), Extension.Contents("MyGraph20.png"), Extension.Contents("MyGraph24.png"), Extension.Contents("MyGraph32.png") },
Icon32 = { Extension.Contents("MyGraph32.png"), Extension.Contents("MyGraph40.png"), Extension.Contents("MyGraph48.png"), Extension.Contents("MyGraph64.png") }
// OAuth implementation
// See the following links for more details on AAD/Graph OAuth:
// *
// *
// StartLogin builds a record containing the information needed for the client
// to initiate an OAuth flow. Note for the AAD flow, the display parameter is
// not used.
// resourceUrl: Derived from the required arguments to the data source function
// and is used when the OAuth flow requires a specific resource to
// be passed in, or the authorization URL is calculated (i.e. when
// the tenant name/ID is included in the URL). In this example, we
// are hardcoding the use of the "common" tenant, as specified by
// the 'authorize_uri' variable.
// state: Client state value we pass through to the service.
// display: Used by certain OAuth services to display information to the
// user.
// Returns a record containing the following fields:
// LoginUri: The full URI to use to initiate the OAuth flow dialog.
// CallbackUri: The return_uri value. The client will consider the OAuth
// flow complete when it receives a redirect to this URI. This
// generally needs to match the return_uri value that was
// registered for your application/client.
// WindowHeight: Suggested OAuth window height (in pixels).
// WindowWidth: Suggested OAuth window width (in pixels).
// Context: Optional context value that will be passed in to the FinishLogin
// function once the redirect_uri is reached.
StartLogin = (resourceUrl, state, display) =>
authorizeUrl = authorize_uri & "?" & Uri.BuildQueryString([
client_id = client_id,
redirect_uri = redirect_uri,
state = state,
scope = GetScopeString(scopes, scope_prefix),
response_type = "code",
response_mode = "query",
login = "login"
LoginUri = authorizeUrl,
CallbackUri = redirect_uri,
WindowHeight = 720,
WindowWidth = 1024,
Context = null
// FinishLogin is called when the OAuth flow reaches the specified redirect_uri.
// Note for the AAD flow, the context and state parameters are not used.
// context: The value of the Context field returned by StartLogin. Use this to
// pass along information derived during the StartLogin call (such as
// tenant ID)
// callbackUri: The callbackUri containing the authorization_code from the service.
// state: State information that was specified during the call to StartLogin.
FinishLogin = (context, callbackUri, state) =>
// parse the full callbackUri, and extract the Query string
parts = Uri.Parts(callbackUri)[Query],
// if the query string contains an "error" field, raise an error
// otherwise call TokenMethod to exchange our code for an access_token
result = if (Record.HasFields(parts, {"error", "error_description"})) then
error Error.Record(parts[error], parts[error_description], parts)
TokenMethod("authorization_code", "code", parts[code])
// Called when the access_token has expired, and a refresh_token is available.
Refresh = (resourceUrl, refresh_token) => TokenMethod("refresh_token", "refresh_token", refresh_token);
Logout = (token) => logout_uri;
// grantType: Maps to the "grant_type" query parameter.
// tokenField: The name of the query parameter to pass in the code.
// code: Is the actual code (authorization_code or refresh_token) to send to the service.
TokenMethod = (grantType, tokenField, code) =>
queryString = [
client_id = client_id,
scope = GetScopeString(scopes, scope_prefix),
grant_type = grantType,
redirect_uri = redirect_uri,
client_secret = client_secret
queryWithCode = Record.AddField(queryString, tokenField, code),
tokenResponse = Web.Contents(token_uri, [
Content = Text.ToBinary(Uri.BuildQueryString(queryWithCode)),
Headers = [
#"Content-type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
#"Accept" = "application/json"
ManualStatusHandling = {400}
body = Json.Document(tokenResponse),
result = if (Record.HasFields(body, {"error", "error_description"})) then
error Error.Record(body[error], body[error_description], body)
// Helper Functions
Value.IfNull = (a, b) => if a <> null then a else b;
GetScopeString = (scopes as list, optional scopePrefix as text) as text =>
prefix = Value.IfNull(scopePrefix, ""),
addPrefix = List.Transform(scopes, each prefix & _),
asText = Text.Combine(addPrefix, " ")
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