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Last active March 7, 2023 11:50
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  • Save ImkeF/1ec192b160b1f30dcc56e8590b49a694 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ImkeF/1ec192b160b1f30dcc56e8590b49a694 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convenient way to get SP file by entering full URL. !! Requires a RootPath parameter or query !! (Cannot be passed as function parameter)
  func = 
    // fnGetSharepointFile
      Source = (FullPath as text) => 
          // Helper function
          fnUriUnescapeString = 
(data as text) as text => 
              ToList = List.Buffer(Text.ToList(data)),
              Accumulate = List.Accumulate(
                  [Bytes = {}], 
                  (state, current) => 
                      HexString = state[HexString]?,
                      NextHexString = HexString & current,
                      NextState = 
                        if HexString <> null then 
                          if Text.Length(NextHexString) = 2 then 
                                = state[Bytes]
                                  & Binary.ToList(
                                    Binary.FromText(NextHexString, BinaryEncoding.Hex)
                            [HexString = NextHexString, Bytes = state[Bytes]]
                        else if current = "%" then 
                          [HexString = "", Bytes = state[Bytes]]
                          [Bytes = state[Bytes] & {Character.ToNumber(current)}]
              FromBinary = Text.FromBinary(Binary.FromList(Accumulate[Bytes]))
          StaticRoot = SharePoint.Contents(RootPath, [ApiVersion = 15]),
          ExtractRoot = fnUriUnescapeString(Text.BeforeDelimiter(FullPath, "/", 4)),
          FileName = fnUriUnescapeString(
              Text.AfterDelimiter(FullPath, "/", {0, RelativePosition.FromEnd})
          NonRootFolders = fnUriUnescapeString(
                  Text.AfterDelimiter(FullPath, ExtractRoot), 
                  {0, RelativePosition.FromEnd}
          SubfoldersList = List.Buffer(List.Select(Text.Split(NonRootFolders, "/"), each _ <> null and _ <> "")),
          NavigateIn = List.Accumulate(
              (state, current) => state{[Name = current]}[Content]
          #"Filtered Rows" = Table.SelectRows(NavigateIn, each ([Name] = FileName))[Content]{0}
          #"Filtered Rows"
  documentation = [
    Documentation.Name = " Sharepoint.GetFile ", 
    Documentation.Description = " Convenient way to get SP file by entering full URL. ", 
      = " Convenient way to get SP file by entering full URL. !! Root path to SP file has to be hardcoded in the function code itself !! ", 
    Documentation.Category = " Accessing Data Functions ", 
    Documentation.Source = ", see: . ", 
    Documentation.Version = " 1.2: 30-Mar-2021-ImprovedSpeed ", 
    Documentation.Author = " Imke Feldmann ", 
    Documentation.Examples = {[Description = " ", Code = " ", Result = " "]}
  Value.ReplaceType(func, Value.ReplaceMetadata(Value.Type(func), documentation))
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