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Last active March 12, 2019 22:20
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let func =
(PeriodStartForecast as number, PeriodEndForecast as number, OriginalForecast as table) =>
/* Debug Parameters
PeriodEndForecast = PeriodEndForecast,
PeriodStartForecast = PeriodStartForecast,
OriginalForecast = LU_Original_Forecast_Data,
ForecastDuration = PeriodEndForecast-PeriodStartForecast+1,
OriginalForecast = OriginalForecast,
// Preparing the input table
#"Transposed Table" = Table.Transpose(OriginalForecast),
#"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(#"Transposed Table",{{"Column1", "Amount"}}),
AddIndex = Table.AddIndexColumn(#"Renamed Columns", "Period", 1, 1),
// Remove leading and trailing nulls and fill up empty spaces to cater for non-contingous series
RemoveLeadingNulls = Table.RemoveFirstN(AddIndex, each [Amount]=null),
RemoveTrainlingNulls = Table.RemoveLastN(RemoveLeadingNulls, each [Amount]=null),
FillNulls = Table.ReplaceValue(RemoveTrainlingNulls,null,0,Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"Amount"}),
AddRelativePeriod = Table.AddIndexColumn(FillNulls, "RelativePeriod", 1, 1),
// Calculating the periodic factors
PeriodFactor = Table.RowCount(AddRelativePeriod) / ForecastDuration,
Intervals = 1/PeriodFactor,
// Number of intervals with rounding, as they have to be full numbers
ListOfIntervals = Table.AddColumn(AddRelativePeriod, "NewPeriods", each {Number.RoundDown([RelativePeriod]*Intervals-Intervals)+1..Number.RoundUp([RelativePeriod]*Intervals)}),
// Share per full interval
ShareAmount = Table.AddColumn(ListOfIntervals, "ShareAmount", each [Amount]/Intervals),
// Exact new Start- & End-Dates
NewEnds = Table.AddColumn(ShareAmount, "NewEnds", each [RelativePeriod]*Intervals),
NewStart = Table.AddColumn(NewEnds, "NewStart", each try NewEnds[NewEnds]{[RelativePeriod]-2} otherwise 0),
// Start- & End-Shares
FirstShare = Table.AddColumn(NewStart, "FirstShare", each List.Min({List.First([NewPeriods]), [NewEnds]})-[NewStart]),
LastShare = Table.AddColumn(FirstShare, "LastShare", each [NewEnds]-(List.Last([NewPeriods])-1)),
// Combine Start- & End-Shares with full intervals in between. Depending on number of intervals in original interval
ListOfShares = Table.AddColumn(LastShare, "ListOfShares", each if List.Count([NewPeriods])=1 then {List.Min({[FirstShare], [LastShare]})}
else if List.Count([NewPeriods])=2 then {[FirstShare]} & {[LastShare]}
else {[FirstShare]} & List.Repeat({1}, List.Count([NewPeriods])-2) & {[LastShare]}),
// Combining the new periods with the shares
PeriodsAndShares = Table.AddColumn(ListOfShares, "PeriodsAndShares", each List.Zip({[NewPeriods], [ListOfShares]})),
#"Expanded PeriodsAndShares" = Table.ExpandListColumn(PeriodsAndShares, "PeriodsAndShares"),
ToRecord = Table.AddColumn(#"Expanded PeriodsAndShares", "Record", each [NewRelativePeriod = [PeriodsAndShares]{0}, Share = [PeriodsAndShares]{1}]),
ExpandRecord = Table.ExpandRecordColumn(ToRecord, "Record", {"NewRelativePeriod", "Share"}, {"NewRelativePeriod", "Share"}),
// New Amount per interval
NewAmount = Table.AddColumn(ExpandRecord, "NewAmount", each [ShareAmount]*[Share]),
// Group on Days and sum amount
GroupOnDays = Table.Group(NewAmount, {"NewRelativePeriod"}, {{"NewAmount", each List.Sum([NewAmount]), type number}}),
// Add Start date to convert relative dates to actual dates
NewRelativePeriod = Table.TransformColumns(GroupOnDays, {{"NewRelativePeriod", each _ + PeriodStartForecast -1, type number}}),
// Lookup with original table to create full list of dates
MergeWithSource = Table.NestedJoin(AddIndex,{"Period"},NewRelativePeriod,{"NewRelativePeriod"},"Periods",JoinKind.FullOuter),
ExpandAllPeriods = Table.ExpandTableColumn(MergeWithSource, "Periods", {"NewAmount"}, {"NewAmount"}),
// Cleanup and transpose to target formatting
Cleanup = Table.RemoveColumns(ExpandAllPeriods,{"Amount"}),
SortPeriod = Table.Sort(Cleanup,{{"Period", Order.Ascending}}),
Transpose = Table.Transpose(SortPeriod),
PromoteHeaders = Table.PromoteHeaders(Transpose, [PromoteAllScalars=true])
PromoteHeaders ,
documentation = [
Documentation.Name = " Allocation.StretchAndCompress ",
Documentation.Description = " Allocates values by stretching or compressing a series of values over time ",
Documentation.LongDescription = " Allocates values by stretching or compressing a series of values over time. The first 2 parameters take numbers for Start and End of the new period and <code>OriginalForecast</code> is a table with one row for the original values. More details see here: . ",
Documentation.Category = " Allocation ",
Documentation.Source = " . ",
Documentation.Version = " 1.3 (2018-05-02: Bugfix in Step FirstShare) ",
Documentation.Author = " Imke Feldmann: . ",
Documentation.Examples = {[Description = " ",
Code = " ",
Result = " "]}]
Value.ReplaceType(func, Value.ReplaceMetadata(Value.Type(func), documentation))
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ImkeF commented May 2, 2018

Bugfix in Step "FirstShare"

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