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Last active January 18, 2018 10:00
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  • Save ImkeF/ae1fbcf98451b61ead5d08d7c1714c38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ImkeF/ae1fbcf98451b61ead5d08d7c1714c38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
let func =
(pdf as text, optional ByPage as number, optional ownerPW, optional userPW) as table =>
opw = if List.Contains({null, ""}, ownerPW) then """" else """"&ownerPW&"",
upw = if List.Contains({null, ""}, userPW) then """" else """"&userPW&"",
turnSlashes = Text.Replace(pdf, "\", "/"),
queryString = """"& turnSlashes & """, opw = "&opw&""", upw = "&upw&"""",
RunRScript = R.Execute("# 'dataset' holds the input data for this script#(lf)output <- data.frame(pdftools::pdf_text("&queryString&"))"),
output = RunRScript{[Name="output"]}[Value],
DemoteHeaders = Table.DemoteHeaders(output),
RemoveOldHeader = Table.Skip(DemoteHeaders,1),
AddPageIndex = Table.AddIndexColumn(RemoveOldHeader, "PageIndex", 1, 1),
TransformTextToRows = Table.TransformColumns(AddPageIndex,{{"Column1", each List.Transform(Text.Split(_, "#(lf)"), Text.Clean)}}),
ExpandRows = Table.ExpandListColumn(TransformTextToRows, "Column1"),
AddRowIndex = Table.AddIndexColumn(ExpandRows, "RowIndex", 1, 1),
Result = if List.Contains({null, "",0}, ByPage) then AddPageIndex else AddRowIndex
, documentation = [
Documentation.Name = " ImportPdfText_R
", Documentation.Description = " R script to import text from a pdf file. Returns a table with one row per page.
" , Documentation.LongDescription = " R script to import text from a pdf file. Returns a table with one row per page by default. Using 1 in the second optional parameter will return one row per line of text instead with matching indices.
", Documentation.Category = " Accessing data functions
", Documentation.Source = " .
", Documentation.Author = " Imke Feldmann: .
", Documentation.Examples = {[Description = "
" , Code = "
", Result = "
Value.ReplaceType(func, Value.ReplaceMetadata(Value.Type(func), documentation))
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