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Created June 21, 2020 13:57
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Returns the inverse matrix for a matrix stored in an array. As a bonus, its determinant is returned in the metadata.
let func =
(Table as table) => 
        Source = Table,
        ValuesList = Table.ToRows(Source),
        Count = List.Count(ValuesList),
        RowsList = {0..Count - 1},
        MatrixWidth = Table.ColumnCount(Source),
        Result = List.Accumulate(
            [Counter = - 1, MatB = ValuesList, Det = 1], 
            (previous, current) => 
[Counter = previous[Counter] + 1, 
Pivot = previous[MatB]{Counter}{Counter}, 
Det = previous[Det] * Pivot, 
MatB = List.Transform(
                Table.ToRecords(Table.FromColumns({previous[MatB], RowsList}, {"Row", "RowIndex"})), 
                (row) => List.Transform(
                    Table.ToRecords(Table.FromColumns({row[Row], {0..MatrixWidth - 1}}, {"Value", "ColumnIndex"})), 
                    (MatrixItem) => 
                        if MatrixItem[ColumnIndex] <> Counter 
then if row[RowIndex] = Counter
                             then MatrixItem[Value] / Pivot
                             else MatrixItem[Value] + previous[MatB]{Counter}{MatrixItem[ColumnIndex]} * - row[Row]{Counter} / Pivot 
else if row[RowIndex] <> Counter
                             then - MatrixItem[Value] / Pivot
                             else 1 / MatrixItem[Value]
        Transform = Table.FromRows(Result[MatB]) meta [Determinant = Result[Det]]
        Transform ,
documentation = [
Documentation.Name = " Xls.MINVERSE.pq ",
Documentation.Description = " Returns the inverse matrix for a matrix stored in an array. As a bonus, its determinant is returned in the metadata. ",
Documentation.LongDescription = " Returns the inverse matrix for a matrix stored in an array. As a bonus, its determinant is returned in the metadata. Algorithm used: FAROOQ/HAMID: ",
Documentation.Category = " Xls.Math and trigonometry ",
Documentation.Source = " ",
Documentation.Version = " 1.0 ",
Documentation.Author = " Imke Feldmann ",
Documentation.Examples = {[Description = " ",
Code = " ",
Result = " "]}]
Value.ReplaceType(func, Value.ReplaceMetadata(Value.Type(func), documentation))
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