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Created September 16, 2011 09:51
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Combine Enum and Class for Extended functionality
// The idea is to collect this kind of parsing nearest possible to the enum itself
// Why? Because the enum is the reason to the Method and are easy to find and modify
// Also it's natural to extend with other kind of parsing. Just insert more methods.
// The main drawback, is that I have to state the enum more explicit (i.e. Something.TypeOf)
// Also the code design appears no standard and would apply if the enum was for internal use in the class.
// So, the question
// How would you do this more nice? I tried abstract, base inheritance, partial. None of them apply.
// This is a shortened down and renamed sample of a code that should be better coded.
public static class Something
public enum TypeOf : short
Minute = 2, Hour = 3, Day = 4, ........
public static long GetTicks(Something.TypeOf someEnum)
long ticks = 0;
switch (someEnum)
case Something.TypeOf.Minute:
ticks = TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute;
case Something.TypeOf.Hour:
ticks = TimeSpan.TicksPerHour;
return ticks;
// This class is called from anywhere in the system.
public static void SomeMethod(string dodo, object o, Something.TypeOf period)
// With the design above
long ticks = Something.GetTicks(period);
// Traditional,
if (period == Period.Day)
ticks = TimeSpan.FromDays(1).Ticks;
else if (period == Period.Hour)
ticks = TimeSpan.FromHours(1).Ticks;
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