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Created October 18, 2018 12:29
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Smart Pointer Library Test Code
// Copyright 1998-2018 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
/** Toggle this define to enable shared pointer testing features */
enum class ESPMode;
template<typename KeyType,typename ValueType,typename SetAllocator ,typename KeyFuncs > class TMap;
* Shared pointer testing suite
namespace SharedPointerTesting
* Executes various shared pointer tests. Note that some tests may require the programmer to enable
* some #ifdef statements to verify that code that is not expected to compile in fact does not.
template< ESPMode Mode > // Used to test *with* and *without* thread-safety features
static void TestSharedPointer()
// Empty shared ptr, not valid to deference
TSharedPtr< bool, Mode > MyEmptyBoolPtr;
// Test validity check
check( !MyEmptyBoolPtr.IsValid() );
// Test access to raw pointer
if( MyEmptyBoolPtr.Get() == nullptr )
// ...
// Construct owned shared pointer from object instance
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > MyIntSharedPtr( new int32( 123 ) );
// Test validity check
check( MyIntSharedPtr.IsValid() );
// Check uniqueness
check( MyIntSharedPtr.IsUnique() );
// Test dereference operator
const int32 DeferenceTest = *MyIntSharedPtr;
// Test reference count zero destructing owned object
// Check number of references
check( MyIntSharedPtr.GetSharedReferenceCount() == 0 );
// MyIntSharedPtr goes out of scope, but object already deleted, nothing to do
// Test implicit conversion (not currently allowed because constructor is explicit!)
#if 0
TSharedPtr< double, Mode > MyBool = 45.0;
// Test copying shared reference
TSharedPtr< bool, Mode > FirstBoolRef( new bool( false ) );
TSharedPtr< bool, Mode > SecondBoolRef( FirstBoolRef );
// Test copying shared reference using = operator
TSharedPtr< bool, Mode > FirstBoolRef( new bool( false ) );
TSharedPtr< bool, Mode > SecondBoolRef = FirstBoolRef;
// Test arrow operator
struct FSharedTest
bool bFoo;
TSharedPtr< FSharedTest, Mode > SharedArray( new FSharedTest() );
SharedArray->bFoo = true;
// Test dereference operator
( *SharedArray ).bFoo = false;
// Create an additional reference to an existing shared pointer
TSharedPtr< FSharedTest, Mode > OtherSharedArrayReference( SharedArray );
// Release original reference (object should not be destroyed)
// NOTE: OtherSharedArrayReference goes out of scope here (object is destroyed)
// Test casting
class FBase
bool bFoo;
class FDerived
: public FBase
{ };
// Explicit downcast to derived shared ptr
TSharedPtr< FBase, Mode > DerivedAsBasePtr( new FDerived() );
TSharedPtr< FDerived, Mode > DerivedPtr( StaticCastSharedPtr< FDerived >( DerivedAsBasePtr ) );
// Initialize base from derived (implicit upcast)
TSharedPtr< FDerived, Mode > DerivedPtr( new FDerived() );
TSharedPtr< FBase, Mode > BasePtr( DerivedPtr );
// Assign derived to base (implicit upcast)
TSharedPtr< FDerived, Mode > DerivedPtr( new FDerived() );
TSharedPtr< FBase, Mode > BasePtr = DerivedPtr;
// Create a shared pointer to nullptr. Consistent with std::shared_ptr, this results
// in a non-empty TSharedPtr (heap allocated reference count)
bool* Foo = nullptr;
TSharedPtr< bool, Mode > NullPtr( Foo );
check( !NullPtr.IsValid() );
// Simple validity test syntax
TSharedPtr< bool, Mode > BoolPtr( new bool( true ) );
check( BoolPtr.IsValid() );
// Empty weak pointer
TWeakPtr< bool, Mode > EmptyBoolWeakPtr;
// Pin should fail on empty weak ptr
check( !EmptyBoolWeakPtr.Pin().IsValid() );
// Create weak pointer from shared pointer
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > SharedInt( new int32( 64 ) );
TWeakPtr< int32, Mode > WeakInt( SharedInt );
// Pin should succeed on this valid weak ptr
check( WeakInt.Pin().IsValid() );
// Create weak pointer from shared pointer (assignment)
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > SharedInt( new int32( 64 ) );
TWeakPtr< int32, Mode > WeakInt = SharedInt;
// Pin should succeed on this valid weak ptr
check( WeakInt.Pin().IsValid() );
// Reset a weak pointer
check( !WeakInt.Pin().IsValid() );
// Test weak pointer becoming invalid
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > SharedInt( new int32( 64 ) );
TWeakPtr< int32, Mode > WeakInt = SharedInt;
check( !WeakInt.Pin().IsValid() );
// Compare shared pointers
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > SharedA( new int32( 64 ) );
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > SharedB( new int32( 21 ) );
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > SharedC( SharedB );
check( !( SharedA == SharedB ) );
check( SharedA != SharedB );
check( SharedB == SharedC );
// Compare weak pointers
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > SharedA( new int32( 64 ) );
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > SharedB( new int32( 21 ) );
TWeakPtr< int32, Mode > WeakA( SharedA );
TWeakPtr< int32, Mode > WeakB( SharedB );
TWeakPtr< int32, Mode > WeakC( SharedB );
check( !( WeakA.Pin() == WeakB.Pin() ) );
check( WeakA.Pin() != WeakB.Pin() );
check( WeakB.Pin() == WeakC.Pin() );
// NOTE: Weak pointer direct comparisons not supported (consistent with std::weak_ptr)
#if 0 // Should not compile
check( !( WeakA == WeakB ) );
check( WeakA != WeakB );
check( WeakB == WeakC );
// Test 'const'
TSharedPtr< const int32, Mode > IntPtr( new int32( 10 ) );
TSharedPtr< const float, Mode > FloatPtrA( new float( 1.0f ) );
TSharedPtr< const float, Mode > FloatPtrB( new float( 2.0f ) );
if( FloatPtrA == FloatPtrB )
#if 0 // Won't compile as int32 is not compatible with float
if( FloatPtrB == IntPtr )
// Assigning const pointers (references only, this is OK!)
FloatPtrA = FloatPtrB;
// Test const conversion (not allowed!)
TSharedPtr< float, Mode > MutableFloat( new float( 123.0f ) );
#if 0 // Won't compile as implicit const_cast is not allowed
MutableFloat = FloatPtrA;
// Test conversion from mutable to const (this is OK!)
FloatPtrA = MutableFloat;
if( FloatPtrB.IsValid() )
#if 0 // Won't compile as value is const
*FloatPtrB = 10.0f;
TWeakPtr< const float, Mode > ConstWeakFloat = FloatPtrA; // Preserving const
#if 0 // Won't compile as value is const
*ConstWeakFloat.Pin() = 20.0f;
// Test implicit const_cast (not allowed!)
TWeakPtr< float, Mode > WeakFloat;
#if 0 // Won't compile as const cannot convert to mutable implicitly
WeakFloat = FloatPtrB; // NOTE: 'const' not preserved here
// Test const cast
WeakFloat = ConstCastSharedPtr< float >( FloatPtrB );
*WeakFloat.Pin() = 20.0f;
// Test forward declaring a smart pointer to an incomplete type
TSharedPtr< struct FBarFoo, Mode > VecPtr;
struct FBarFoo
int32 Val;
VecPtr = TSharedPtr< FBarFoo, Mode >( new FBarFoo() );
VecPtr->Val = 20;
// Test Unreal non-standard extensions (expanded syntax)
// Initialize with nullptr
TSharedPtr< bool, Mode > EmptyPtr( nullptr );
TSharedPtr< float, Mode > FloatPtr = nullptr;
// Initialize with nullptr
TWeakPtr< bool, Mode > EmptyWeakPtr( nullptr );
TWeakPtr< float, Mode > FloatWeakPtr = nullptr;
// Reassign to nullptr directly (instead of calling Reset)
FloatPtr = TSharedPtr< float, Mode >( new float( 0.1f ) );
FloatPtr = nullptr;
// Test implicit construction helper (MakeShareable)
FloatPtr = MakeShareable( new float( 30.0f ) );
TSharedPtr< double, Mode >( MakeShareable( new double( 2.0 ) ) );
struct FFooBar
// Test function return value
TSharedPtr< float, Mode > GetFloatMember()
return FloatVal;
TSharedPtr< float, Mode > FloatVal;
// Test implicit construction on return
TSharedPtr< float, Mode > GetFloatValue()
return MakeShareable( new float( 123.0f ) );
// Test TSharedRef
// Empty TSharedRef is not allowed
#if 0 // Won't compile as TSharedRef has no default constructor
TSharedRef< bool, Mode > EmptyRef;
#if 0 // Won't compile as TSharedRef has no implicit constructor that a pointer (including nullptr)
TSharedRef< bool, Mode > NullRef = nullptr;
// TSharedRef initialized in constructor
TSharedRef< float, Mode > FloatRef( new float( 123.0f ) );
// Test reference access
TSharedRef< float, Mode > FloatRef( new float( 123.0f ) );
// Grab a C++ reference to the float object
const float& MyFloat = *FloatRef;
// Grab another C++ reference to the float object
const float& MyFloat2 = FloatRef.Get();
// Implicit conversion to TSharedRef is never allowed (use MakeShareable!)
#if 0 // Won't compile as constructor is explicit
TSharedRef< float, Mode > FloatRef = new float( 123.0f );
// Test MakeShareable with TSharedRef
TSharedRef< float, Mode > FloatRef = MakeShareable( new float( 123.0f ) );
// New shared ref with nullptr object pointer is not allowed! The following code will compile
// correctly, but will trigger a runtime assertion.
if( 0 )
// NOTE: The following code is unsafe and will trigger an assert
int32* NullInt = nullptr;
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > RefWithNullObject( NullInt );
// Implicit conversion from a TSharedRef to a TSharedPtr (always OK)
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > MySharedRef( new int32( 1 ) );
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > MySharedPtr( MySharedRef );
// Explicit TSharedRef construction from a TSharedPtr is not allowed
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > MySharedPtr( new int32( 1 ) );
#if 0 // Won't compile as this constructor is intentionally private. Use ToSharedRef() instead!
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > MySharedRef( MySharedPtr );
// Explicit TSharedRef assignment from a TSharedPtr is not allowed
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > MySharedPtr( new int32( 1 ) );
#if 0 // Won't compile as this constructor is intentionally private. Use ToSharedRef() instead!
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > MySharedRef = MySharedPtr;
// Conversion from a TSharedPtr to a TSharedRef. Only safe when ( MySharedPtr.IsValid() == true )
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > MySharedPtr( new int32( 1 ) );
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > MySharedRef( MySharedPtr.ToSharedRef() );
// Conversion from an invalid TSharedPtr to a TSharedRef. Never safe, will assert at runtime.
if( 0 ) // Will trigger a runtime assert as MySharedPtr.IsValid() == false
int32* NullInt = nullptr;
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > MySharedPtr( NullInt );
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > MySharedRef( MySharedPtr.ToSharedRef() );
// TSharedRef reassignment. Safe as long as new object is not nullptr.
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > IntRef( new int32( 10 ) );
IntRef = TSharedRef< int32, Mode >( new int32( 20 ) );
// TSharedRef reassignment to nullptr object is not allowed (asserts at runtime)
if( 0 )
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > IntRef( new int32( 10 ) );
int32* NullInt = nullptr;
IntRef = TSharedRef< int32, Mode >( NullInt );
// Get a weak pointer from a shared ref. Always OK!
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > IntRef( new int32( 99 ) );
TWeakPtr< int32, Mode > WeakInt = IntRef;
if( WeakInt.IsValid() )
// ...
// Compare two shared refs
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > IntRef1( new int32( 99 ) );
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > IntRef2( new int32( 21 ) );
if( IntRef1 == IntRef2 )
// ...
if( IntRef1 != IntRef2 )
// ...
// Compare a shared pointer with a shared ref
// @todo: Use complex types, not int32 (has operator==)!!
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > IntRef( new int32( 21 ) );
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > IntPtr( IntRef );
// Pointer is equal to reference because they point to the same valid object
check( IntRef == IntPtr && IntPtr == IntRef );
// ...
// Test not equal operator
check( !( IntRef != IntPtr || IntPtr != IntRef ) );
// ...
// Null pointer is never equal to a reference
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > NullPtr;
check( !( IntRef == NullPtr ) && ( IntRef != NullPtr ) );
// ...
// SharedFromThis
class FMyClass
: public TSharedFromThis< FMyClass, Mode >
TSharedRef< FMyClass, Mode > GetSelfAsShared()
return AsShared();
// Grab shared pointer to stack-allocated class, before ever assigning it to
// a shared pointer reference. This will trigger an assertion!
if( 0 )
FMyClass MyClass;
TSharedRef< FMyClass, Mode > TheClassPtr( MyClass.GetSelfAsShared() );
TSharedPtr< FMyClass, Mode > TheClassPtr1( new FMyClass() );
FMyClass* MyClass = TheClassPtr1.Get();
TSharedRef< FMyClass, Mode > TheClassPtr2( MyClass->GetSelfAsShared() );
// Hash tables
TSharedRef< int32, Mode > FooRef( new int32( 1 ) );
TSharedPtr< int32, Mode > FooPtr( FooRef );
// Map shared pointers to a type
TMap< TSharedPtr< int32, Mode >, bool > SharedPointerHash;
SharedPointerHash.Add( FooPtr, true );
// Map shared refs to a type
TMap< TSharedRef< int32, Mode >, bool > SharedRefHash;
SharedRefHash.Add( FooRef, true );
const bool Value = SharedRefHash.FindRef( FooRef );
// Map a type to shared refs
TMap< int32, TSharedRef< int32, Mode > > SharedRefValueHash;
SharedRefValueHash.Add( 10, FooRef );
const int32* FoundKey = SharedRefValueHash.FindKey( FooRef );
check( FoundKey != nullptr && *FoundKey == 10 );
// Maps and 'const'
TSharedRef< const int32, Mode > ConstFooRef( new int32( 1 ) );
TMap< int32, TSharedRef< const int32, Mode > > ConstSharedRefValueHash;
ConstSharedRefValueHash.Add( 10, ConstFooRef );
const int32* FoundKey = ConstSharedRefValueHash.FindKey( ConstFooRef );
check( FoundKey != nullptr && *FoundKey == 10 );
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