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Created September 26, 2019 08:12
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using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using MoreMountains.Tools;
using System;
namespace MoreMountains.CorgiEngine
/// <summary>
/// Add this class to a character and it'll be able to grapple
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("Corgi Engine/Character/Abilities/CharacterGrapple")]
public class CharacterGrapple : CharacterAbility
/// This method is only used to display a helpbox text at the beginning of the ability's inspector
public override string HelpBoxText() { return "This component handles grappling"; }
/// the possible jump restrictions
public enum GrappleBehavior
private enum GrappleLineState
public GameObject GrappleHookImagePrefab;
protected GameObject _currentGrappleHookImageObject;
// will be more likley to find grapple in direction
public bool PreferGrapplePointByFacingDirection = true;
public float PreferGrapplePointByFacingDirectionOffset = 2f;
public bool DontAllowGrappleDown = true;
public LayerMask GrappleStickyLayerMask;
public LayerMask GrappleStickyRaycastLayerMask;
[Header("Grapple Behaviour")]
/// the farthest we can grapple
public float MaxGrappleDistance = 15;
/// the shortest the grapple rope can be
public float MinGrappleDistance = 0.5f;
// the speed at which you can shorten or lengthen your grappling hook
public float GrappleReelSpeed = 4f;
public float GrappleControlSlownessSpeed = 4f;
/// basic rules for grapples : where can the player grapple ?
public GrappleBehavior GrappleRestrictions = GrappleBehavior.CanGrappleOnSticky;
/// a timeframe during which, after pressing the grapple button the grapple hook will hit the wall and trigger the swing
public float GrappleInitTimeWindow = 0.1f;
public float HorizontalInput;
public float VerticalInput;
//made a bool to check in Update if we can grapple to determine the indicator and not doublecheck that frame.
private bool canGrapple = false;
/// whether or not the grapple happened this frame
public bool GrappleHappenedThisFrame { get; set; }
public bool isThrowingGrapple = false;
public bool isGrappling = false;
protected Vector2 _currentGrappleAnchorPoint;
protected Collider2D[] _availableAnchorPoints;
protected float _jumpButtonPressTime = 0;
protected bool _jumpButtonPressed = false;
protected bool _jumpButtonReleased = false;
protected bool _doubleJumping = false;
protected CharacterWalljump _characterWallJump = null;
protected CharacterCrouch _characterCrouch = null;
protected CharacterButtonActivation _characterButtonActivation = null;
protected CharacterLadder _characterLadder = null;
protected int _initialNumberOfJumps;
protected float _lastTimeGrounded = 0f;
private float _grappleHookInitTimer;
public Transform AnchorPoint;
public Transform PlayerPoint;
public Vector2 AnchorPos;
public Vector2 Pos;
public Vector2 LastPos;
protected CharacterJump _characterJump;
public float Distance { get { return Vector2.Distance(AnchorPos, Pos); } }
public float OriginalDistance;
public float Gravity = 0.04f;
public float Friction = 0.99f;
//GrappleLine Stuff
private LineRenderer line;
private GrappleLineState gls = GrappleLineState.ending;
public float lineDrawSpeed = 1f;
private float lineCounter = 0f;
private float lineDistance;
public float lineWidth = 1f;
public float linePointDistance = 0.3f;
private GameObject GrappleableGO
get { return _grappleableGO; }
if (_grappleableGO != null)
_grappleableGO = value;
if(_grappleableGO != null)
private GameObject _grappleableGO;
private CharacterShellRun _shell;
private bool lastFrameGrounded = false;
private bool justStartedGrapple = false;
private bool lastFrameGrapple = false;
public float momentumSpeed = 3f;
private CharacterHorizontalMovement _charHor;
/// Evaluates the grapple restrictions
public bool GrappleAuthorized
if (_movement.CurrentState == CharacterStates.MovementStates.SwimmingIdle)
return false;
if ((GrappleRestrictions == GrappleBehavior.CanGrappleAnywhere))
return true;
if ((GrappleRestrictions == GrappleBehavior.CanGrappleOnStickyWhenGrounded))
if (_controller.State.IsGrounded)
return true;
if (GrappleRestrictions == GrappleBehavior.CanGrappleOnSticky)
return true;
return false;
#region AbilityCalls
protected override void Initialization()
_characterJump = GetComponent<CharacterJump>();
_shell = GetComponent<CharacterShellRun>();
_charHor = GetComponent<CharacterHorizontalMovement>();
protected override void HandleInput()
//must do this here so it gets calculated before it checks for the Input.
if (gls == GrappleLineState.none)
canGrapple = EvaluateGrappleConditions();
else { canGrapple = false; }
if (!canGrapple && gls == GrappleLineState.none) GrappleableGO = null;
if (_inputManager.GrappleButton.State.CurrentState == MMInput.ButtonStates.ButtonDown)
if (!isGrappling)
//threshold for y input if on controller.
float PrimaryAbs2 = Mathf.Abs(_character.LinkedInputManager.PrimaryMovement.y);
VerticalInput = (PrimaryAbs2 > 0.9f) ? Mathf.Sign(_character.LinkedInputManager.PrimaryMovement.y) : 0f;
//threshold for x input if on controller.
float PrimaryAbs = Mathf.Abs(_character.LinkedInputManager.PrimaryMovement.x);
HorizontalInput = (PrimaryAbs > 0.3f) ? Mathf.Sign(_character.LinkedInputManager.PrimaryMovement.x) : 0f;
/// <summary>
/// Every frame we perform a number of checks related to jump
/// </summary>
public override void ProcessAbility()
if (!AbilityPermitted) { return; }
//We stop if we leave ground or enter ground from the air or if we are in shellmode
if (!lastFrameGrounded && _controller.State.IsGrounded
|| lastFrameGrounded && !justStartedGrapple && !_controller.State.IsGrounded
|| _shell.isInShell) GrappleStop();
if (isGrappling && !isThrowingGrapple)
// keeps character from walking longer than max grapple length when on ground
//or if we would otherwise go into a wall (2. line
//save last pos so our momentum is carried over, also locks us when max length on ground
if (!isGrappling || _controller.State.IsGrounded)
//LastPos = this.transform.position;
private bool CanAdjustGrapple()
if (_controller.State.IsGrounded && Vector2.Distance(_currentGrappleAnchorPoint, this.transform.position) > MaxGrappleDistance)
this.transform.position = LastPos;
return false;
if (_controller.State.IsCollidingLeft && transform.position.x - LastPos.x < 0
|| _controller.State.IsCollidingRight && transform.position.x - LastPos.x > 0)
this.transform.position = new Vector2(LastPos.x, LastPos.y);
return true;
return true;
public virtual void GrappleStart()
if (!canGrapple)
_currentGrappleHookImageObject = Instantiate(GrappleHookImagePrefab, AnchorPoint);
AnchorPos = new Vector2(_currentGrappleAnchorPoint.x, _currentGrappleAnchorPoint.y);
Pos = new Vector2(this.transform.position.x, this.transform.position.y);
LastPos = Pos - _controller.Speed/30;
//LastPos = Pos - _controller.Speed/80;
OriginalDistance = Vector2.Distance(AnchorPos, Pos);
//Debug.Log("GrappleStart:" + OriginalDistance + " A:" + AnchorPos + " P:" + Pos);
//we wanna get dragged towards our grapplepoint if we grapple while on ground
if (_controller.State.IsGrounded)
Vector2 moveTo = (AnchorPos - Pos).normalized * OriginalDistance * 12f; //the float is the determening how far you get dragged in. should be atleast 50f.
justStartedGrapple = true;
//this starts the grappleing. gls goes for the visual, isGrappling will activate the physics.
isThrowingGrapple = true;
isGrappling = true;
gls = GrappleLineState.starting;
_shell.ShellStop(true); //going out of shell
_grappleHookInitTimer = GrappleInitTimeWindow;
if (_movement.CurrentState == CharacterStates.MovementStates.LadderClimbing)
if (_movement.CurrentState != CharacterStates.MovementStates.ShellRunning)
// we start our sounds
// we reset our current condition and gravity
/// <summary>
/// Causes the character to stop running.
/// </summary>
public virtual void GrappleStop()
if (!isGrappling) return;
// model rotates during swing so we set it back
_character.CharacterModel.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0,0,0);
// destroy eyeball image
if (_currentGrappleHookImageObject != null)
// return physics to normal
_currentGrappleAnchorPoint =;
AnchorPos =;
//_controller.State.IsCollidingBelow = false;
//_controller.State.IsFalling = true;
isThrowingGrapple = false;
isGrappling = false;
gls = GrappleLineState.ending;
/// <summary>
/// Stops all run sounds
/// </summary>
protected virtual void StopSfx()
public override void LateProcessAbility()
lastFrameGrounded = _controller.State.IsGrounded;
/// <summary>
/// Adds required animator parameters to the animator parameters list if they exist
/// </summary>
protected override void InitializeAnimatorParameters()
RegisterAnimatorParameter("Grappling", AnimatorControllerParameterType.Bool);
/// <summary>
/// At the end of each cycle, sends Jumping states to the Character's animator
/// </summary>
public override void UpdateAnimator()
MMAnimator.UpdateAnimatorBool(_animator, "Grappling", isGrappling || isThrowingGrapple);
/// <summary>
/// Resets parameters in anticipation for the Character's respawn.
/// </summary>
public override void ResetAbility()
#region privateMethods
private void GetLineRenderer()
if (GetComponentInChildren<LineRenderer>() == null)
if(this.tag == "Player")
Debug.LogError("Missing LineRenderer Component in the player Prefab!!!");
line = GetComponentInChildren<LineRenderer>();
private void PrepareGrappleVariables()
if (isThrowingGrapple)
_grappleHookInitTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if (_grappleHookInitTimer < 0)
isThrowingGrapple = false;
gls = GrappleLineState.starting;
private void HandleVerticalInput()
if (isGrappling && !isThrowingGrapple)
if (!_controller.State.IsGrounded)
if (VerticalInput != 0)
OriginalDistance -= VerticalInput * Time.deltaTime * GrappleReelSpeed;
OriginalDistance = Mathf.Clamp(OriginalDistance, MinGrappleDistance, MaxGrappleDistance);
// reel in character
private void HandleGrappleLine()
line.SetPosition(0, transform.position);
switch (gls)
case GrappleLineState.starting:
lastFrameGrapple = true;
case GrappleLineState.grappleing:
justStartedGrapple = false;
case GrappleLineState.ending:
lineCounter = 0;
line.positionCount = 1;
gls = GrappleLineState.none;
lastFrameGrapple = false;
case GrappleLineState.none:
private void BuildUpLine()
lineDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, _currentGrappleAnchorPoint);
line.positionCount = 2;
if (lineCounter < lineDistance)
lineCounter += .1f / lineDrawSpeed;
float x = Mathf.Lerp(0, lineDistance, lineCounter);
Vector3 pointA = transform.position;
Vector3 pointB = _currentGrappleAnchorPoint;
Vector3 pointAlongLine = x * Vector3.Normalize(pointB - pointA) + pointA;
line.SetPosition(1, pointAlongLine);
_currentGrappleHookImageObject.transform.position = pointAlongLine;
Vector3 targ = pointAlongLine;
targ.z = 0f;
Vector3 objectPos = transform.position;
targ.x = targ.x - objectPos.x;
targ.y = targ.y - objectPos.y;
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(targ.y, targ.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
_currentGrappleHookImageObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, angle - 90f));
_character.CharacterModel.transform.rotation = _currentGrappleHookImageObject.transform.rotation;
else gls = GrappleLineState.grappleing;
private void HandleLineCurve()
//lets us know how many points we have to place on our renderer.
int pointsOnLine = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Floor(lineDistance / linePointDistance));
Vector2 startPoint = transform.position;
Vector2 goalPoint = _currentGrappleAnchorPoint;
Vector3 targetVector = (goalPoint - startPoint);
Vector3 partOfTarget = targetVector / pointsOnLine;
line.positionCount = pointsOnLine + 2; //+2 because starting at 0 and last one is our target.
//because im Rounding pointsOnLine down it means space between very last and 2. last point is different to the others, but shouldnt matter.
//first Position is always our transform.
for (int i = 1; i <= pointsOnLine;i++)
line.SetPosition(i, (partOfTarget * i) + new Vector3(startPoint.x, startPoint.y, 0f));
//making sure the End of our line is always at our goalPoint.
line.SetPosition(pointsOnLine + 1, goalPoint);
Vector3 targ = goalPoint;
targ.z = 0f;
Vector3 objectPos = transform.position;
targ.x = targ.x - objectPos.x;
targ.y = targ.y - objectPos.y;
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(targ.y, targ.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
_currentGrappleHookImageObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, angle - 90f));
_character.CharacterModel.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, angle - 90f));
//Look at doesnt work in 2d idk why
private void ResetLineCurve()
line.positionCount = 0;
// returns true if found at least one;
public virtual bool FindGrapplingPoints()
_availableAnchorPoints = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(this.transform.position, MaxGrappleDistance, GrappleStickyLayerMask);
if (_availableAnchorPoints.Length != 0)
// get closest grapple point? get one closest to direction press on left stick? TODO
// raycast back to anchor point to see if rope should bend as well
if (gls == GrappleLineState.none) _currentGrappleAnchorPoint = getClosestGrapplePoint();
if (!_currentGrappleAnchorPoint.Equals(
return true;
else return false;
return false;
public Vector2 getClosestGrapplePoint()
Vector2 output =;
Vector2 charPos = this.transform.position;
Transform outputObject = null;
if (PreferGrapplePointByFacingDirection)
if (_character.IsFacingRight)
charPos.x += PreferGrapplePointByFacingDirectionOffset;
charPos.x -= PreferGrapplePointByFacingDirectionOffset;
foreach (Collider2D c2D in _availableAnchorPoints)
if (charPos.y < c2D.transform.position.y || !DontAllowGrappleDown)
if (output.Equals(
RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(this.transform.position, c2D.transform.position - this.transform.position, MaxGrappleDistance, GrappleStickyRaycastLayerMask);
if (hit.collider != null)
if (hit.collider.gameObject.layer == 24)
output = c2D.transform.position;
outputObject = c2D.transform;
} else if (Vector2.Distance(c2D.transform.position, charPos) < Vector2.Distance(output, charPos))
RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(this.transform.position,c2D.transform.position - this.transform.position, MaxGrappleDistance, GrappleStickyRaycastLayerMask);
if (hit.collider != null)
if (hit.collider.gameObject.layer == 24)
output = c2D.transform.position;
outputObject = c2D.transform;
return output;
private void ActivateIndicator(Transform go)
if (go == null) return;
GrappleableGO = go.gameObject;
protected virtual void FixedUpdate()
public Vector2 GetGrapplePos() { return Pos; }
public void GrapplePhysics()
Pos.x += HorizontalInput/ GrappleControlSlownessSpeed * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
//return LastPos - Pos;
void MoveStick()
float Difference = OriginalDistance - Distance;
float Percent = Difference / Distance;
float offsetX = (AnchorPos.x - Pos.x) * Percent;
float offsetY = (AnchorPos.y - Pos.y) * Percent;
Pos.x -= offsetX;
Pos.y -= offsetY;
void MovePoint()
Vector2 Velocity = (Pos - LastPos) * Friction;
LastPos = Pos;
Pos += Velocity;
//Add Gravity
Pos.y -= Gravity;
void MovePlayerToPoint()
PlayerPoint.position = Pos;
/// <summary>
/// Evaluates the jump conditions to determine whether or not a jump can occur
/// </summary>
/// <returns><c>true</c>, if jump conditions was evaluated, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
protected virtual bool EvaluateGrappleConditions()
if (!AbilityPermitted // if the ability is not permitted
|| !GrappleAuthorized // if jumps are not authorized right now
|| (!FindGrapplingPoints()) // we there are grappling points
|| ((_condition.CurrentState != CharacterStates.CharacterConditions.Normal) // or if we're not in the normal stance
&& (_condition.CurrentState != CharacterStates.CharacterConditions.ControlledMovement)))
return false;
return true;
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