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Last active January 22, 2024 19:23
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Minimal reproduction of wav2vec 1.0's loss
import os, torch, fairseq, random, numpy as np
device = 'cuda'
model, _, _ = fairseq.checkpoint_utils.load_model_ensemble_and_task([''])
model = model[0].eval().to(device)
model.wav2vec_predictions.infonce = False
torch.manual_seed(42); np.random.seed(42); random.seed(42)
a = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 80000).to(device))
z = model.feature_extractor(a)
c = model.feature_aggregator(z)
def forward(self=model.wav2vec_predictions, c=c, z=z):
W = self.project_to_steps.weight[:, :, 0, :]
b = self.project_to_steps.bias[:, None]
_, _, K = W.shape # 12
_, n_d, n_t = c.shape
transformed_c =[(W[..., k].T @ c[0] + b)[None, ..., None] for k in range(K)], axis=-1)
n_negatives = 10 # self.n_negatives
torch.randint(low=0, high=n_t, size=(1, n_negatives * n_t))
with torch.no_grad():
n_ts = torch.arange(n_t).repeat_interleave(10)
neg_idxs = torch.randint(
low=0, high=n_t - 1, size=(1, n_negatives * n_t)
neg_idxs[neg_idxs >= n_ts] += 1
negs = z[0, ..., neg_idxs.view(-1)]
negs = negs.view(n_d, 1, n_negatives, n_t).permute(2, 1, 0, 3)
negatives = negs
z = z.unsqueeze(0)
targets =[z, negatives], dim=0) # Copies x B x C x T
targets = targets[:, 0, :, :] # 11, 512, 498
transformed_c = transformed_c[0] # 512, 498, 12
preds = []; labs = []
for i in range(K):
dot = (targets[..., (i + self.offset):] * transformed_c[None, ..., :-(i + self.offset), i]).sum(1)
lab = torch.zeros_like(dot)
lab[0, :] = 1.0
def test():
torch.manual_seed(42); np.random.seed(42); random.seed(42)
a = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 80000).to(device))
z = model.feature_extractor(a)
c = model.feature_aggregator(z)
x1, x2 = model.wav2vec_predictions(c, z)
torch.manual_seed(42); np.random.seed(42); random.seed(42)
a = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 80000).to(device))
z = model.feature_extractor(a)
c = model.feature_aggregator(z)
y1, y2 = forward(self=model.wav2vec_predictions, c=c, z=z)
assert (y2 == x2).all()
assert abs(y1 - x1).max() < 0.005
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