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Created October 22, 2017 19:24
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Supercore, in short, stores your in game inventory on the blockchain. Great, why? Well what this allows us to do is sync your inventory across multiple games. This task would be easy, swapping item for item, if all game developers supported this platform, but expecting that right away is unrealistic. Thus, we're building off-chain methods to swap these items for close equivleants in each game, for instance a Stone Pickaxe in Minecraft, will be a Stone Pickaxe in Rust, and a Stone Pickaxe in Ark, etc. But items like Diamond swords might become Steel Swords in Ark, or a mele weapon in Rust.

The benefit to using this platform is to reward players for interaction with the network of servers we run, building a strong inventory (redeemable once per server, per wipe) will incentivize sticking around on our network vs leaving for another server. Although the benefit is not just within the network, the player also gets to hold on to their hours of grinding for items in game, in the form of cryptocurrencies, more on that below.


Items are ERC20 contracts, what this means is your favorite wallets can hold your actual in game items, yeah... boom. So continuing the example above you might have a contract address 0x01245 which is the Stone Pickaxe. This item is tradable just like any other ERC20 token (which can be done internally explained below). Some items may not directly relate to a game and may be limited release items such as enchantments which enhance your character on the server, or benefits on the network.

Auction House

Trading is built into the platform and an on chain "auction house" style method of trading can be created, and exchanges will happen fast and cheaply, no need to deal with traditional exchanges. Simply place the item you'd like to trade into the auction house, specify how many of that item you're looking to trade, and what item(s) you'd like for it! Then another player that owns the item you want can fulfill this trade. Secure trading costs a very small amount of Core Token to decentivise listing trades and then trading the item elsewhere thus potentially wasting another users gas.

Loot Box

The lootbox contract is funded by the Supercore owner for possible rewards of diferent rarity to be given out on chain. Opening a loot box essentially just triggers the lootbox contract to transfer it's balance of items that were chosen in that box, to you on the ERC20 Item contract. LootBoxes can be opened by sending Core Tokens to the contract, which can be earned by playing on our servers, or bought with ETH.

Core Token

Core can be earned by plaing on servers supported by our network, you will received a fixed amount of Core for every minute played on our servers. The Core Utility Token can be used for many things across our network from opening Loot Boxes, Listing items on the auction house, and more. They can also be purchased (if a supply is available) by sending ETH to Supercore. There will only be a fix amount of tokens available for sale this way, tokens used to open loot boxes, pay auction house fees, etc will be recycled into this balance.

The Vault

The vault houses all available tokens for sale, this is a fixed amount that once gone, will not be replenished until users use the Auction House or open Loot Boxes.


The project is still under heavy development and more updates will come, for now the platform is being fleshed out on

Test Settings

Test Coverage

   Contract: Supercore
    ✓ should deploy a contract (48ms)
    ✓ should deploy items (57ms)
    ✓ should send items (194ms)
    ✓ should despawn items (210ms)
    ✓ should clear availability of items (185ms)

  Contract: Item
    ✓ should deploy a contract (43ms)
    ✓ should give owner balance (46ms)
    ✓ should exchange balances (115ms)

  Contract: Supercore
    ✓ should deploy a contract (47ms)
    ✓ should open a loot box (1708ms)
    ✓ should should show items in loot boxes (413ms)

  Contract: Supercore
    ✓ should deploy a contract (42ms)
    ✓ should should list and fulfill trades (605ms)
    ✓ should should list all of a users trades (471ms)

  14 passing (4s)
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