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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Save Inferis/e59319a535509d842680 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Velo script for ye olde Hubot.
# Description:
# Shows how many velos are free on "nearby" Velo stations.
# Dependencies:
# None
# Configuration:
# None
# Commands:
# hubot is er nog een velo vrij - Shows who needs to go to the shop
# hubot is er nog een fiets beschikbaar?
# hubot is er nog ne velo vrij?
# hubot is er nog een fiets vrij
# hubot is er een fiets vrij
# hubot velo vrij?
# hubot is er nog een stalen ros beschikbaar?
# Author:
# inferis based on work by ridingwolf
# adjust this array to hold the ids of nearby stations
stations = [ 74, 72, 16, 76 ]
threshold = 5
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /(is er)? (nog)?\s?(een|ne)?\s?(fiets|velo|tweewieler|stalen ros)?(je|ke)?\s?(beschikbaar|vrij|aanwezig)?(\?)?$/i, (msg) ->
status msg
status = (msg) ->
checkStatus msg, stations.slice(), false
checkStatus = (msg, stations, found) ->
station = stations.shift()
unless station
unless found
msg.send "Neen. Het zal wandelen worden."
data = "idStation=#{station}"
.header('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
.post(data) (err, res, body) ->
matches = /bikes\s+(\d+)\s+slots\s+(\d+)/gi.exec body
if matches.length is 3
nrOfBikes = Number(matches[1])
nrOfParking = Number(matches[2])
if nrOfBikes > 0
unless found
msg.send "Ja. Er zijn nog #{nrOfBikes} fietskes vrij in station #{station}."
if nrOfBikes <= threshold
checkStatus msg, stations, true
else if nrOfBikes > threshold
msg.send "Er zijn ook nog #{nrOfBikes} fietskes vrij in station #{station}."
checkStatus msg, stations, true
checkStatus msg, stations, false
msg.send "Ik weet het niet."
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