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Inferis / Example.m
Created May 27, 2015 21:07
Auto NSCoding?
TestModel *model = [TestModel new];
model.aString = @"abc";
model.aDate = [NSDate new];
model.anURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
model.subModel = [SubModel new];
model.subModel.aNumber = @123;
model.subModel.aValue = [NSValue valueWithCGAffineTransform:CGAffineTransformIdentity];
model.things = @[[SubModel new], [TestModel new]];
model.reference = @{ @"sm": [SubModel new] };
Inferis /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
Velo script for ye olde Hubot.
# Description:
# Shows how many velos are free on "nearby" Velo stations.
# Dependencies:
# None
# Configuration:
# None
# Commands:
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am inferis on github.
* I am inferis ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is F010 B286 2F49 1AB8 484F 2211 B7CE DECA C646 8A5C
To claim this, I am signing this object:
➤ cloc .
6759 text files.
2025 unique files.
3376 files ignored. v 1.58 T=19.0 s (84.0 files/s, 9102.7 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
Objective C 829 27043 15909 97896