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Created July 14, 2023 09:53
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Write C# in a JS like way
public static class console
private static void WritePrefix(string prefix, ConsoleColor color)
Console.ForegroundColor = color;
private static string? TransformArg(object? x)
var formatArray = (IEnumerable<string?> arr) => "[" + string.Join(", ", arr) + "]";
var formatSet = (IEnumerable<string?> arr, int size) => $"Set({size}) {{ {string.Join(", ", arr)} }}";
return x switch
null => "null",
int[] array => formatArray(array.Select(x => TransformArg(x))),
String[] array => formatArray(array.Select(x => $"\"{TransformArg(x)}\"")),
HashSet<int> set => formatSet(set.ToArray().Select(x => TransformArg(x)), set.Count),
HashSet<string> set => formatSet(set.ToArray().Select(x => $"\"{TransformArg(x)}\""), set.Count),
object?[] array => formatArray(array.Select(x => TransformArg(x))),
_ => x.ToString()
private static void FormatAndLog(string prefix, ConsoleColor color, params object?[] args)
WritePrefix(prefix, color);
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", args.ToArray().Select(TransformArg).ToArray()));
public static void log(params object?[] args)
FormatAndLog("[LOG]", ConsoleColor.Green, args);
public static void info(params object?[] args)
FormatAndLog("[INFO]", ConsoleColor.Blue, args);
public static void error(params object?[] args)
FormatAndLog("[ERROR]", ConsoleColor.Red, args);
console.log("this is a simple log", 312);"what is info");, 2, 3)), _.array("Hello", "World"));
console.error(_.set("1", "2", "2"));
public static class _
public static T[] array<T>(params T[] args)
return args;
public static HashSet<T> set<T>(params T[] args)
return new HashSet<T>(args);
public static T[] reverse<T>(T[] array)
T[] reversedArray = new T[array.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
reversedArray[i] = array[array.Length - 1 - i];
return reversedArray;
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