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Created February 28, 2016 07:17
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  • Save InfinitiesLoop/38b06d62020c345554d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save InfinitiesLoop/38b06d62020c345554d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
cd /tmp
# ensure some tools are here...
sudo yum install tar
sudo yum install wget
# install java
echo Installing Java...
sudo yum install --quiet --assumeyes ${java_version}
# install elasticsearch
# This results in Elasticsearch being installed in:
# binaries : /usr/share/elasticsearch/
# config : /etc/elasticsearch
# init script: /etc/init.d/elasticsearch
echo Downloading ElasticSearch...
wget -q${elasticsearch_version}/elasticsearch-${elasticsearch_version}.rpm
echo Installing ElasticSearch v${elasticsearch_version}...
sudo rpm -ivh elasticsearch-${elasticsearch_version}.rpm
# configure elasticsearch by prepending our settings
echo -e " ${elasticsearch_nodename}\ ${elasticsearch_clustername}\nnetwork.bind_host: 0\n" > /tmp/tmpfile.$$
# why bind_host:0? ==>
sudo cat /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml >> /tmp/tmpfile.$$
sudo mv /tmp/tmpfile.$$ /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
# turn elasticsearch on
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch.service
echo ElasticSearch installed and enabled on port 9200.
# Kafka's turn
# it will be in /usr/share/kafka_${kafka_version}
echo Downloading Kafka ${kafka_version}...
cd /usr/share
sudo wget -q${kafka_version}/kafka_${kafka_version_full}.tgz
sudo tar -zxvf kafka_${kafka_version_full}.tgz
sudo rm kafka_${kafka_version_full}.tgz
# create scripts to start ZK/Kafka
echo Creating Kafka start scripts...
sudo touch /usr/bin/start-{zookeeper,kafka}
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/start-{zookeeper,kafka}
cat <<EOH | sudo tee /usr/bin/start-zookeeper >/dev/null
/usr/share/kafka_${kafka_version_full}/bin/ \
/usr/share/kafka_${kafka_version_full}/config/ &
cat <<EOH | sudo tee /usr/bin/start-kafka >/dev/null
sleep 3
/usr/share/kafka_${kafka_version_full}/bin/ \
/usr/share/kafka_${kafka_version_full}/config/ &
echo Use sudo start-kafka to start Kafka. Starting the first time for you now.
sudo start-kafka
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You can save a bit of time by combining your yum installs (so you don't have to repeatedly check mirrors and such):

sudo yum install --quiet --assumeyes tar wget ${java_version}

You can pass the url for ES's RPM directly to rpm and it'll download it for you, so you don't have to worry about being in /tmp or leaving a file behind:

sudo rpm -ivh${elasticsearch_version}/elasticsearch-${elasticsearch_version}.rpm

You can also combine the download and extraction of kafka, so you can avoid cd-ing, avoid the temp file, and avoid running wget as root:

wget -qO -${kafka_version}/kafka_${kafka_version_full}.tgz | sudo tar -zxvf - --directory=/usr/share

Also, consider installing kafka to /opt or /usr/local instead of /usr/share. /usr/share is typically for data, not programs. You can also flatten out the tarball a bit when you extract like so:

# Install kafka to /opt/kafka-
wget -qO - ${url} | sudo tar -zxvf - --strip-components=1 --directory=/opt/kafka-${kafka_version}

wget options:

       -O file
           The documents will not be written to the appropriate files, but all will be concatenated together and written to file.  If - is used
           as file, documents will be printed to standard output, disabling link conversion.  (Use ./- to print to a file literally named -.)

tar options:

       -C, --directory=DIR
              change to directory DIR

              strip NUMBER leading components from file names on extraction

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You should use mktemp instead of creating your own temp file.

tempfile=$(sudo mktemp)  # sudo so the file will be owned by root, otherwise you'd have to `chown` it
echo -e " ${elasticsearch_nodename}\ ${elasticsearch_clustername}\nnetwork.bind_host: 0\n" | sudo tee ${tempfile} >/dev/null
cat /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml | sudo tee --append ${tempfile} >/dev/null
sudo mv ${tempfile} /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

Better still would be to edit the YAML file in-place, with sed -i most likely (assuming the file already has and friends already in there, but commented out or something).

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