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Last active July 5, 2020 02:24
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OpenTabletDriver Windows Installer (PowerShell)
[string] $repo = "InfinityGhost/OpenTabletDriver"
[string] $repoUrl = "$repo"
[string] $srcUrl = "$repoUrl.git"
[string] $src = "$PWD/src"
[string] $build = "$PWD/build"
[string] $bin = "$PWD/OpenTabletDriver"
[string] $daemonbin = "$bin/OpenTabletDriver.Daemon/OpenTabletDriver.Daemon.exe"
[string] $daemonlnk = "$env:APPDATA/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup/OpenTabletDriver.Daemon.lnk"
[string] $appbin = "$bin/OpenTabletDriver.UX.Wpf/OpenTabletDriver.UX.Wpf.exe"
[string] $applnk = "$PWD/OpenTabletDriver.lnk"
[string] $configurations = "$bin/OpenTabletDriver.Daemon/Configurations"
function new-shortcut([string] $binFile, [string] $shortcutPath, [String] $appArgs = "") {
$WshShell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell
$Shortcut = $WshShell.CreateShortcut($shortcutPath)
$Shortcut.TargetPath = $binFile
$Shortcut.Arguments = $appArgs
function get-sdk() {
if (Get-Command dotnet) {
Write-Host ".NET Core SDK found, skipping SDK install."
else {
Write-Host "Installing .NET Core SDK..."
[string] $sdkinstaller = "./sdkinstall.ps1"
Invoke-WebRequest '' -UseBasicParsing -OutFile $sdkinstaller
& $sdkinstaller -Version 'latest'
Remove-Item $sdkinstaller
function download() {
Write-Host "Determining latest release..."
$releasesApi = "$repo/releases"
$tag = (Invoke-WebRequest $releasesApi -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json)[0].tag_name
Write-Host "Downloading latest release ($tag)..."
$filename = ""
$zip = "$build/$"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $build | Out-Null
Invoke-WebRequest "$repo/releases/download/$tag/$" -OutFile $zip -UseBasicParsing
Write-Host "Decompressing release..."
Expand-Archive $zip -Force -DestinationPath $bin
function build() {
Write-Host "Cloning $srcUrl into $src"
git clone $srcUrl $src
Write-Host "Building OpenTabletDriver..."
dotnet build --runtime win-x64 --configuration Release --output "$build/daemon" "$src/OpenTabletDriver.Daemon/OpenTabletDriver.Daemon.csproj"
dotnet build --runtime win-x64 --configuration Release --output "$build/wpf" "$src/OpenTabletDriver.UX.Wpf/OpenTabletDriver.UX.Wpf.csproj"
Write-Host "Moving all build files to binary directory..."
New-Item -Path $bin -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Move-Item "$build/daemon" "$bin/OpenTabletDriver.Daemon"
Move-Item "$build/wpf" "$bin/OpenTabletDriver.UX.Wpf"
Write-Host "Copying configurations from source code directory..."
Copy-Item "$src/TabletDriverLib/Configurations" $configurations -Recurse
function clean() {
if (Test-Path -Path $src) {
Write-Host "Cleaning up source directory..."
Remove-Item $src -Recurse -Force | Out-Null
if (Test-Path -Path $build) {
Write-Host "Cleaning up build directory..."
Remove-Item $build -Recurse -Force | Out-Null
function install ([bool] $buildfromsource = $false) {
if (Test-Path $bin) {
Write-Host "OpenTabletDriver is already installed, reinstalling."
if ($buildfromsource) {
else {
new-shortcut $daemonbin $daemonlnk "-c ""$configurations"""
new-shortcut $appbin $applnk
function uninstall {
if (Test-Path $bin) {
Write-Host "Removing all binaries..."
Remove-Item $bin -Recurse -Force
if (Test-Path $applnk) {
Write-Host "Removing app shortcut..."
Remove-Item $applnk -Force
if (Test-Path $daemonlnk) {
Write-Host "Removing daemon shortcut..."
Remove-Item $daemonlnk -Force
switch ($args[0]) {
"install" {
install $false
"install-git" {
install $true
"uninstall" {
"update" {
install $false
"clean" {
"build" {
"download" {
Default {
Write-Host "Valid commands:"
Write-Host " -> install"
Write-Host " | Installs the latest binary release. This includes the recommended service."
Write-Host " -> install-git"
Write-Host " | Installs the latest git commit. This includes the recommended service."
Write-Host " -> uninstall"
Write-Host " | Uninstalls the service (if installed) and deletes binaries."
Write-Host " -> update"
Write-Host " | Updates to the latest binary release"
Write-Host " -> clean"
Write-Host " | Cleans up after download or build."
Write-Host " -> build"
Write-Host " | Compiles the latest git commit into binaries."
Write-Host " -> download"
Write-Host " | Downloads the latest binary release."
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