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Created February 7, 2022 16:25
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require_once __DIR__ . '/hookfactory.php';
$hf = new HookFactory2("
typedef struct {
int unk1[4];
int uinput_code;
int unk2[9];
} keybind_info_t;
typedef struct {
int fd;
keybind_info_t* keybinds;
} uinput_info_t;
$pid = getmypid();
$fd = fopen("/tmp/lginput-hook-$pid.log", "a");
function logmsg($str) {
global $fd;
fwrite($fd, $str . "\n");
// fflush($fd);
$keybinds = [
108 => [ "action" => "replace", "keycode" => 103 ],
103 => [ "action" => "replace", "keycode" => 108 ],
1038 => [ "action" => "exec", "command" => <<<COMMAND
luna-send -a webosbrew -f -n 1 luna://com.webos.notification/createToast '{"sourceId":"webosbrew","message": "hello world!"}'
function handleKey(int $keycode, int $state) {
global $keybinds;
logmsg($keycode . ' => ' . $state);
//logmsg(print_r([$keyid, $state],true));
//var_dump($keyid, $uinput_info->keybinds[$keyid]->uinput_code, $state);
if (isset($keybinds[$keycode])) {
if ($keybinds[$keycode]["action"] == "exec") {
if ($state == 1) {
logmsg("$keycode: execing... {$keybinds[$keycode]["command"]}");
$proc = popen($keybinds[$keycode]["command"] . " &", "w");
if ($proc == null) {
logmsg("$keycode: Exec failed :(");
} else {
return [ "action" => "ignore" ];
} else {
return $keybinds[$keycode];
return [
"action" => "pass",
if ($hf->hasSymbol("lginput_uinput_send_button")) {
$hf->newHook("int (*)(uinput_info_t*, int, int)", "lginput_uinput_send_button",
function($orig, $uinput_info, $keyid, $state) {
$result = handleKey($uinput_info->keybinds[$keyid]->uinput_code, $state);
if ($result['action'] == 'ignore') {
return 0;
} else if ($result['action'] == 'replace') {
$origKeycode = $uinput_info->keybinds[$keyid]->uinput_code;
$uinput_info->keybinds[$keyid]->uinput_code = $result['keycode'];
$callres = $orig($uinput_info, $keyid, $state);
$uinput_info->keybinds[$keyid]->uinput_code = $origKeycode;
return $callres;
} else {
return $orig($uinput_info, $keyid, $state);
} else if ($hf->hasSymbol("MICOM_FuncWriteKeyEvent")) {
// __SINT32 MICOM_FuncWriteKeyEvent(int fd,__UINT16 type,__UINT16 code,__SINT32 value)
$hf->newHook("int (*)(int, uint16_t, uint16_t, int32_t)", "MICOM_FuncWriteKeyEvent",
function($orig, $fd, $type, $code, $value) {
if ($type != 0) {
$result = handleKey($code, $value);
if ($result['action'] == 'ignore') {
return 0;
} else if ($result['action'] == 'replace') {
return $orig($fd, $type, $result['keycode'], $value);
} else {
return $orig($fd, $type, $code, $value);
} else {
return $orig($fd, $type, $code, $value);
while (true) { sleep(1); }
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