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Last active June 21, 2018 16:28
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SPL = Splunk Processing Language
* can be used as a wildcard
| used to chain filtering / commands / searches
Full Search Reference:
dedup <field>
Deduplicate by <field> values
head <number>
Show first <number> results
tail <number>
Show last <number> results
Reverse results
search <search>
Search results
sort <field>
Sort by <field> ascending
sort -<field>
Sort by <field> descending
top [<count>] <field>
Show event counts by <field>
timechart <field> [BY <field>]
Show agrregate graph
eval can be used in order to create variables and do calculations
e.g. eval var=10/5 | search secs
Allows you to add a generated / calculated field
stats can be used for generating statistics based on the results (which will be shown in the statistics tab)
Lots of funcs here
e.g. distinct_count(<field>)
rex can be used for regular expressions
rex [field=<field>] ( <regex-expression> [max_match=<int>] [offset_field=<string>] ) | (mode=sed <sed-expression>)
e.g. rex mode="sed" field=uri "s/=[\d\w]+\&/=NULLED\&/g"
Note: Ampersand represents full captured string in replace (so escape it)
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