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Last active July 10, 2020 11:05
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PHP array of countries which have famfamfam flag icons
PHP Array of country names for use with famfamfam flags.


PHP array of countries which have famfamfam flag icons

Contains entries for all 246 flags (247th is fam.png/gif which is not associated with any country)

Names for countries are taken from

Nonstandard flags included in package are renamed to two-letter abbreviations as follows

  • FAM - delete this, it's not being used anywhere
  • SCOTLAND - AB (from Alba)
  • WALES - WA

Updated at 5.4.2015

$countries = array(
'AF' => 'Afghanistan',
'AX' => '&Aring;land Islands',
'AL' => 'Albania',
'DZ' => 'Algeria',
'AS' => 'American Samoa',
'AD' => 'Andorra',
'AO' => 'Angola',
'AI' => 'Anguilla',
'AG' => 'Antigua and Barbuda',
'AR' => 'Argentina',
'AM' => 'Armenia',
'AW' => 'Aruba',
'AU' => 'Australia',
'AT' => 'Austria',
'AZ' => 'Azerbaijan',
'BS' => 'Bahamas (the)',
'BH' => 'Bahrain',
'BD' => 'Bangladesh',
'BB' => 'Barbados',
'BY' => 'Belarus',
'BE' => 'Belgium',
'BZ' => 'Belize',
'BJ' => 'Benin',
'BM' => 'Bermuda',
'BT' => 'Bhutan',
'BO' => 'Bolivia (Plurinational State of)',
'BA' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
'BW' => 'Botswana',
'BV' => 'Bouvet Island',
'BR' => 'Brazil',
'IO' => 'British Indian Ocean Territory (the)',
'BN' => 'Brunei Darussalam',
'BG' => 'Bulgaria',
'BF' => 'Burkina Faso',
'BI' => 'Burundi',
'KH' => 'Cambodia',
'CV' => 'Cabo Verde',
'CM' => 'Cameroon',
'CA' => 'Canada',
'CT' => 'Catalonia',
'KY' => 'Cayman Islands (the)',
'CF' => 'Central African Republic (the)',
'TD' => 'Chad',
'CL' => 'Chile',
'CN' => 'China',
'CX' => 'Christmas Island',
'CC' => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)',
'CO' => 'Colombia',
'KM' => 'Comoros',
'CD' => 'Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)',
'CG' => 'Congo (the)',
'CK' => 'Cook Islands (the)',
'CR' => 'Costa Rica',
'CI' => 'C&ocirc;te d\'Ivoire',
'HR' => 'Croatia',
'CU' => 'Cuba',
'CY' => 'Cyprus',
'CZ' => 'Czech Republic (the)',
'DK' => 'Denmark',
'DJ' => 'Djibouti',
'DM' => 'Dominica',
'DO' => 'Dominican Republic (the)',
'EC' => 'Ecuador',
'EG' => 'Egypt',
'SV' => 'El Salvador',
'EN' => 'England',
'GQ' => 'Equatorial Guinea',
'ER' => 'Eritrea',
'EE' => 'Estonia',
'ET' => 'Ethiopia',
'EU' => 'European Union',
'FK' => 'Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]',
'FO' => 'Faroe Islands (the)',
'FJ' => 'Fiji',
'FI' => 'Finland',
'FR' => 'France',
'GF' => 'French Guiana',
'PF' => 'French Polynesia',
'TF' => 'French Southern Territories (the)',
'GA' => 'Gabon',
'GM' => 'Gambia (the)',
'GE' => 'Georgia',
'DE' => 'Germany',
'GH' => 'Ghana',
'GI' => 'Gibraltar',
'GR' => 'Greece',
'GL' => 'Greenland',
'GD' => 'Grenada',
'GP' => 'Guadeloupe',
'GU' => 'Guam',
'GT' => 'Guatemala',
'GN' => 'Guinea',
'GW' => 'Guinea-Bissau',
'GY' => 'Guyana',
'HT' => 'Haiti',
'HM' => 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands',
'VA' => 'Holy See (the)',
'HN' => 'Honduras',
'HK' => 'Hong Kong',
'HU' => 'Hungary',
'IS' => 'Iceland',
'IN' => 'India',
'ID' => 'Indonesia',
'IR' => 'Iran (Islamic Republic of)',
'IQ' => 'Iraq',
'IE' => 'Ireland',
'IL' => 'Israel',
'IT' => 'Italy',
'JM' => 'Jamaica',
'JP' => 'Japan',
'JO' => 'Jordan',
'KZ' => 'Kazakhstan',
'KE' => 'Kenya',
'KI' => 'Kiribati',
'KP' => 'Korea (the Democratic People\'s Republic of)',
'KR' => 'Korea (the Republic of)',
'KW' => 'Kuwait',
'KG' => 'Kyrgyzstan',
'LA' => 'Lao People\'s Democratic Republic (the)',
'LV' => 'Latvia',
'LB' => 'Lebanon',
'LS' => 'Lesotho',
'LR' => 'Liberia',
'LY' => 'Libya',
'LI' => 'Liechtenstein',
'LT' => 'Lithuania',
'LU' => 'Luxembourg',
'MO' => 'Macao',
'MK' => 'Macedonia (the former Yugoslav Republic of)',
'MG' => 'Madagascar',
'MW' => 'Malawi',
'MY' => 'Malaysia',
'MV' => 'Maldives',
'ML' => 'Mali',
'MT' => 'Malta',
'MH' => 'Marshall Islands (the)',
'MQ' => 'Martinique',
'MR' => 'Mauritania',
'MU' => 'Mauritius',
'YT' => 'Mayotte',
'MX' => 'Mexico',
'FM' => 'Micronesia (Federated States of)',
'MD' => 'Moldova (the Republic of)',
'MC' => 'Monaco',
'MN' => 'Mongolia',
'ME' => 'Montenegro',
'MS' => 'Montserrat',
'MA' => 'Morocco',
'MZ' => 'Mozambique',
'MM' => 'Myanmar',
'NA' => 'Namibia',
'NR' => 'Nauru',
'NP' => 'Nepal',
'NL' => 'Netherlands (the)',
'AN' => 'Netherlands Antilles',
'NC' => 'New Caledonia',
'NZ' => 'New Zealand',
'NI' => 'Nicaragua',
'NE' => 'Niger (the)',
'NG' => 'Nigeria',
'NU' => 'Niue',
'NF' => 'Norfolk Island',
'MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands (the)',
'NO' => 'Norway',
'OM' => 'Oman',
'PK' => 'Pakistan',
'PW' => 'Palau',
'PS' => 'Palestine, State of',
'PA' => 'Panama',
'PG' => 'Papua New Guinea',
'PY' => 'Paraguay',
'PE' => 'Peru',
'PH' => 'Philippines (the)',
'PN' => 'Pitcairn',
'PL' => 'Poland',
'PT' => 'Portugal',
'PR' => 'Puerto Rico',
'QA' => 'Qatar',
'RE' => 'R&eacute;union',
'RO' => 'Romania',
'RU' => 'Russian Federation (the)',
'RW' => 'Rwanda',
'SH' => 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha',
'KN' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
'LC' => 'Saint Lucia',
'PM' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
'VC' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',
'WS' => 'Samoa',
'SM' => 'San Marino',
'ST' => 'Sao Tome and Principe',
'SA' => 'Saudi Arabia',
'AB' => 'Scotland',
'SN' => 'Senegal',
'RS' => 'Serbia',
'CS' => 'Serbia and Montenegro',
'SC' => 'Seychelles',
'SL' => 'Sierra Leone',
'SG' => 'Singapore',
'SK' => 'Slovakia',
'SI' => 'Slovenia',
'SB' => 'Solomon Islands',
'SO' => 'Somalia',
'ZA' => 'South Africa',
'GS' => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
'ES' => 'Spain',
'LK' => 'Sri Lanka',
'SD' => 'Sudan (the)',
'SR' => 'Suriname',
'SJ' => 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen',
'SZ' => 'Swaziland',
'SE' => 'Sweden',
'CH' => 'Switzerland',
'SY' => 'Syrian Arab Republic',
'TW' => 'Taiwan (Province of China)',
'TJ' => 'Tajikistan',
'TZ' => 'Tanzania, United Republic of',
'TH' => 'Thailand',
'TL' => 'Timor-Leste',
'TG' => 'Togo',
'TK' => 'Tokelau',
'TO' => 'Tonga',
'TT' => 'Trinidad and Tobago',
'TN' => 'Tunisia',
'TR' => 'Turkey',
'TM' => 'Turkmenistan',
'TC' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands (the)',
'TV' => 'Tuvalu',
'UG' => 'Uganda',
'UA' => 'Ukraine',
'AE' => 'United Arab Emirates (the)',
'GB' => 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)',
'UM' => 'United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)',
'US' => 'United States of America (the)',
'UY' => 'Uruguay',
'UZ' => 'Uzbekistan',
'VU' => 'Vanuatu',
'VE' => 'Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)',
'VN' => 'Viet Nam',
'VG' => 'Virgin Islands (British)',
'VI' => 'Virgin Islands (U.S.)',
'WA' => 'Wales',
'WF' => 'Wallis and Futuna',
'EH' => 'Western Sahara',
'YE' => 'Yemen',
'ZM' => 'Zambia',
'ZW' => 'Zimbabwe'
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Thank you very much. You have just solved one my problem. Live long and prosper! :)

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