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Created October 8, 2021 07:06
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aom kubernetes-cli openjpeg \
archey lean-cli openssl@1.1 \
aria2 libde265 osx-cpu-temp \
bash libev pandoc \
bat libevent pcre \
brotli libffi pcre2 \
c-ares libheif pkg-config \
ca-certificates libidn protobuf \
caddy liblqr proxychains-ng \
cloc libomp python@3.9 \
coreutils libpng rcm \
docbook libssh2 readline \
docbook-xsl libtermkey redis \
fd libtiff ripgrep \
fish libtool screenfetch \
fontconfig libuv shared-mime-info \
freetype libvterm six \
fzf libzip smartmontools \
gdbm little-cms2 speedtest-cli \
gettext lsd sqlite \
gh luajit starship \
ghostscript luajit-openresty tcl-tk \
git luv the_silver_searcher \
git-cliff lz4 tldr \
git-extras m4 tmux \
git-flow-avh macos-term-size tmux-mem-cpu-load \
glib mongodb-community tomcat@9 \
gmp mongodb-database-tools tree \
gnu-getopt mongosh tree-sitter \
gnu-sed mpdecimal unibilium \
go msgpack utf8proc \
htop mysql webp \
icu4c nats-server wrk \
ilmbase ncurses x265 \
imagemagick neovim xmlto \
imath nghttp2 xz \
jbig2dec node yarn \
jemalloc node@14 zstd \
jpeg openexr \
kotlin openjdk
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