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Last active October 22, 2023 20:57
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Fast Map Union and Local Instances Through Instance Types
{-# LANGUAGE GHC2021, FunctionalDependencies, AllowAmbiguousTypes, OverloadedRecordDot, BlockArguments #-}
module Lib where
-- Code accompanying
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Kind
class OrdI (inst :: Type) a | inst -> a where
compareI :: a -> a -> Ordering
newtype OrdFor inst a = MkOrdFor {unOrdFor :: a}
instance (OrdI inst a) => Eq (OrdFor inst a) where
(MkOrdFor x) == (MkOrdFor y) =
compareI @inst x y == EQ
instance (OrdI inst a) => Ord (OrdFor inst a) where
compare (MkOrdFor x) (MkOrdFor y) = compareI @inst x y
data IMap inst k v = MkIMap {
underlying :: Map.Map (OrdFor inst k) v
empty :: IMap inst k v
empty = MkIMap Map.empty
insert :: forall inst k v. OrdI inst k => k -> v -> IMap inst k v -> IMap inst k v
insert k v (MkIMap map) = MkIMap { underlying = Map.insert (MkOrdFor @inst k) v map }
union :: (Eq k, OrdI inst k) => IMap inst k v -> IMap inst k v -> IMap inst k v
union map1 map2 = MkIMap { underlying = Map.union map1.underlying map2.underlying }
data RegularIntOrd
instance OrdI RegularIntOrd Int where
compareI = compare
data ReverseIntOrd
instance OrdI ReverseIntOrd Int where
compareI x y = case compareI @RegularIntOrd x y of
LT -> GT
EQ -> EQ
GT -> LT
data OrdIDict a where
OrdIDict :: OrdI inst a => OrdIDict a
data FakeDict a = FakeDict a
withOrdI :: forall a b. (a -> a -> Ordering) -> (forall inst. OrdI inst a => b) -> b
withOrdI dict body =
case unsafeCoerce (FakeDict dict) :: OrdIDict a of
(OrdIDict @inst) -> body @inst
withOrdIProxy :: forall a b. (a -> a -> Ordering) -> (forall inst. OrdI inst a => Proxy inst -> b) -> b
withOrdIProxy dict body =
case unsafeCoerce (FakeDict dict) :: OrdIDict a of
(OrdIDict @inst) -> body (Proxy @inst)
map1 = insert 1 1 (empty @RegularIntOrd)
map2 = insert 2 2 (empty @RegularIntOrd)
map3 = insert 3 3 (empty @ReverseIntOrd)
map4 = insert 4 4 (empty @ReverseIntOrd)
fine1 = union map1 map2
fine2 = union map3 map4
-- error = union map1 map3
local = withOrdIProxy (\_ _ -> EQ) \(Proxy @inst) -> do
let localMap1 :: IMap inst Int Int = insert @inst 1 1 (empty @inst)
-- let localMap2 :: IMap RegularIntOrd Int Int = insert @inst 2 2 (empty @inst) -- fails!
-- let _ = union fine1 localMap1 -- also fails!
-- localMap1 -- fails in return position!
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